
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star Journey around the world!


Shooting Star has been on a long journey this week. They have traveled around the globe through videos and discovered how the world really looks like. 今週、シューティングクラスは”長い旅”を終えました。映像を見ながらですが、世界中を旅し、地球がどのようになっているかを学びました。

In their travel, they discovered that the earth is polluted and in a really bad shape. They have learned that in some parts of the globe, the air is unbreathable, waters are dirty and deforestation is prevalent. They were all in awe as they witness mother earth being suffocated by different pollution: Air pollution, Water Pollution, and Deforestation.  They were disgusted too when they saw whales and fish in the ocean eat plastic thinking that it’s a jellyfish. 

“旅”のなかで、子供達は地球は汚染されている事に気がつきました。地球上のある場所では空気汚染があったり、水の汚染があったり、木の伐採が頻繁に行われている事などを知りました。子供達は驚き、鯨や魚などの海の生き物達が、プラスチックを食べてしまった姿を見てクラゲと見間違えてしまうほどでした。[envira-gallery id=”99735″]

We have established that they can be part of preventing this problem. They will learn more about what can they do to help earth next week. Let’s all look forward to that! 


In Music class, they have been learning how to play the song: Butterfly. It is amazing how most of them learned the song fast and are able to play with the teacher confidently. 

ミュージッククラスでは、ちょうちょを弾いています。ほとんどの子供達が弾けるようになっていて、とても嬉しく思います。[envira-gallery id=”99938″]

Thank you for always being part of Shooting Star’s journey. いつもシューティングクラスと共に有難うございます。

Join us again next week for another fun and exciting travel! 来週の”旅”もお楽しみに!

毎週月曜日の観察の様子です。[envira-gallery id=”99699″]

2月2日に行った節分の様子です。[envira-gallery id=”99716″]

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