
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Setsubun (Milky Way)

This was an exciting week for the Milky Way class because we had some fun activities related to Setsubun! Setsubun is a very special way of welcoming the start of the spring season here in Japan. One of the most common traditions for this celebration is throwing beans at Oni. Our class made Oni Cups and newspaper balls so we can recreate this tradition in our classroom. We all had fun doing this Setsubun tradition.

今週は節分のお祝いをクラスでしました。節分をよく知るためにビデオを見て、節分とは春を迎えるお祝いの日だと言う事、豆まきをしたり、恵方巻を食べる習慣があることがわかりました。そして季節の変わり目には鬼がやって来ることがあるという事を…。ここで少し固まる子ども達(笑)。鬼さんたちは南松本キャンパスに行っていて忙しいので、島内キャンパスではみんなが作った紙コップの鬼に向かって豆まきの練習をしました。Demons out! Happiness in! スクールで練習した成果がお家で出たでしょうか?

This week, we also continued exploring our Line of Inquiry 2 (LOI2) for our unit on Natural Resources. In class, we are discussing the uses and importance of Natural Resources. We are going to discuss five Natural Resources in this unit namely: Water, Animals, Plants, Fossil Fuels, and Soil. We started learning about Fossil Fuels last week. We learned that we can get energy from the Fossil Fuels that are extracted underground. We watched a video explaining the effect of using and burning a lot of fossil fuels. The students decided to become Energy Heroes and identify ways to conserve energy through their simple ways. We also talked about Alternative Energy Sources. The class learned that there are earth-friendly ways to get energy from our surroundings. After learning about this, our class made wind-powered vehicle craft. We even had a fun race using them!


In our writing class, our focus this week is ending punctuations. The student learned that good writers use the right punctuation in their sentences. In class, we learned about the period, question mark, and exclamation point. We discussed how they are used and how to write sentences that end with these punctuation marks.


金曜日はとてもお天気が良く、午前中は来週の探究で使用する「お気に入りの石」を見つけに行ったり、午後は歩いて公園に行きました♬ 石の中に金や鉱物が入ってるのでは!とみんな興味深々でした。

Thank you for reading our blog! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!



TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Setsubun (Milky Way)