Hello everyone!
It has become quite chilly lately and a bit difficult to get up in the morning(ha ha). We hope all of you are keeping warm out there! As part of our inquiry we talked about facial expressions and our feelings this week. The students had to form a face using eyes, a nose and a mouth provided to them. They then had to try to identify the feeling associated with the face and form the following sentence: ” I am … because…” Everyone did their very best!
最近はかなり肌寒くなってきて、朝起きるのがつらくなってきました(笑)。皆さんは暖かくしてお過ごしのことと思います!今週は探究の一環として、顔の表情と感情について話しました。Auroraさんたちは、用意された目、鼻、口の中からパーツを切り抜き顔の表情を作りました。そして、その顔から連想される感情を考え、次のような文章を作りました: 「I am…because…(私は……なぜなら……)」。みんなとても頑張っていました!

Gymnastics on the mat were the main thing this week!
Our play for Christmas show
As part of getting ready to decide roles for our Christmas play, during our afternoon lesson on Thursday, we watched a narrative video of the “SHOEMAKER AND THE ELVES.” Some of the comments contributed by students post viewing were: 1) I saw one girl and two boys making shoes. 2)I saw a grandma but I don’t remember what she did. 3) The grandpa was happy. It’s really impressive how Aurora students can listen attentively and understand bits and pieces of a story.
木曜日の午後のレッスンでは、クリスマス劇の役柄を決める準備の一環として、「SHOEMAKER AND THE ELVES 」のナレーションビデオを見ました。鑑賞後、Auroraさんたちは次のような感想を話してくれました: 1) 靴を作っている女の子と男の子を見た。2)おばあちゃんを見たけど、何をしたのかは覚えていない。3) おじいちゃんが喜んでいた。
Phonics and the letter S
Some of the words we added to our vocabulary bank this week are sofa, socks, snowman, spoon, scissors, snail, soup and spaghetti.

Workstation: Craft corner

Have a nice and restful weekend.

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.