Hi everyone! I hope you have had a great week. I know we have. This has been a very exciting week. Monday we our music class. We did something new this week after our practice. The students learned about different kinds of notes. There were half notes, eighth notes, and quarter notes. They did a great job!
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Tuesday we went to our swimming class and Wednesday we had our Christmas show rehearsal instead of gym. We had a lot of time to practice and the students were great! We are almost ready and we can’t wait! In the afternoon routine, we did a lesson on body language again. They are doing an amazing job recognizing good and bad body language.
火曜日はスイミングレッスンがありました。水曜日は体操教室ではなく、クリスマスショーのリハーサルの為、松本市民芸術館に行きました。劇と演奏の練習を十分に行うことができて、子ども達も練習通り良く出来ていました!準備はほぼ整い、発表をする日が待ち遠しいです。Afternoon Circle Timeには、ボディーランゲージのレッスンをしました。良いボディーランゲージ、良くないボディーランゲージをよく理解出来ていました。
[envira-gallery id=”29475″][envira-gallery id=”29488″]
Thursday the students had a dental check before going to the park. On Friday we had a lesson about Christmas before going to the park. We had so much fun talking about Santa Claus and his reindeer, elves, presents, Christmas trees, and so much more! All the students are so excited for Christmas.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Minami Matsumoto Preschool