Welcome to Aurora’s final blog of the month of November. The students kicked off the week by enjoying Meadow’s Ms. Mayu’s presentation at the birthday party . She showed childhood pictures of certain teachers and staff and had the audience guess who they were.

Violin, volcano,vase, vet, vest, veil, van, vulture and vegetables are some of the words we added to our vocabulary bank this week.
Violin (バイオリン)、Volcano (火山)、Vase (花瓶)、Vet (獣医)、Vest (ベスト)、Veil (ベール)、Van (バン)、Vulture (ハゲワシ)、Vegetables (野菜)など、今週学んだ単語です。

Gestures from all over the world
For our inquiry into various body expressions(getsures) this week, we talked about gestures used in certain countries and their meaning. It was quite an interesting lesson, as most of the gestures’ meanings were new to most students.

Gym lesson was a hit as usual this week!

This little piggy had roast beef!
The students showcased their cutting skills as they made cute little piggies on the craft workstation!

Since last week, the students have been doing a “find a partner and swing your arms according to the pace of the piano” game. Gentle breeze(soyo kaze) and strong wind(ookaze) style. There are a few students who always go after the same members but we are slowly starting to notice some OPEN-MINDEDNESS where most students are okay with partnering with whoever is available. Nice effort Aurora!
先週から、Auroraさんたちは「パートナーを見つけて、ピアノのペースに合わせて腕を振る」ゲームをしています。「そよ風」と「おおかぜ」。いつも同じメンバーを選ぶ子もいますが、ほとんどの子が誰と組んでもOKというオープンマインドな姿を少しずつ見せてくれるようになってきました。Aurora さん、よくできたね!

We will go to central fitness center on the 3rd so please do not forget your pool bags.
Have a relaxing and blessed weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sand and danced to this week.