All the students are so excited for the Christmas performance. It’s almost here and we can’t wait! Monday during music we practiced our song performance and during afternoon routine, we practiced the play. They have put so much hard work into their practices. We are so proud!
Tuesday we took pictures of the students in their costumes. They look so great! We will take the class picture next week when all the students are here. This week we just took pictures of the different characters.
Wednesday the students had a lot of fun in gym class. We did some different activities with vaulting boxes. They really enoyed this activity.
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Thursday we had our first lesson on body language. They have been learning how to use their words in a positive way, so now they are learning how to communicate without words in a positive way. After our lesson we went to the park.
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Friday we had our school birthday party! We had so much fun and learned about different things from another country. Ms Serena did a great job! After that we had a lesson and went to the park. It was a great day!
金曜日は11月生まれのお友達の誕生日会をしました。Ms SerenaがCaps for Saleという本を読んでくれて、その後中国語でHappy Birthdayの歌をみんなで歌いました!他の国の事を学べて、とても楽しい会になりました。その後レッスンを行い、公園に行きました。
We hope everyone has a great weekend!
Minami Matsumoto Preschool