According to Jimmy Johnson, the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. This has slowly begun to ring true to Aurora students. They have been talking about performances for quite a while now, and it seems they now understand that moving with a bit more vigor(big action), and saying their lines a bit more louder(big voice), will make their play a success. Moving from the ordinary to the extraordinary!
For their U.O.I this week , the main focus was trying to define a performance. The students looked at pictures presented to them and tried to say what they thought they meant or what message each picture conveyed to the audience. They also tried to identify the characteristics of a performance.

Shoes made by the elves and their friends!
The whole class painted and decorated the shoes to be used for the Christmas show play!

Snakes at the gym🪱
This week the students pretended that jumpropes were snakes, and they had to jump without stepping on them.

Watch, window, well, worm, wolf, web, wellingtons and wand are some of the words they learnt this week.
今週はWatch(時計), window(窓), well(井戸), worm(ミミズ), wolf(オオカミ), web(網), wellingtons(長靴 )wand(ステッキ)などWで始まる単語を学びました。Ms.Amandaの発音をよく聞いて絵を探すビンゴゲームを楽しみました。

Hexagons, Pentagons, Triangles and other 2D shapes

The students have already started practising for the music performance scheduled for March.The rhythm of the castanets is a tad complicated but everyone is trying their best to work toward making nice music.
Music lessonでは、3月に予定されている音楽発表会に向けて、すでに練習を始めています。

It was a busy week for us all. Try to get as much rest as possible and return to school refreshed. Have a great weekend!

Below are the links to some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.