Welcome to Aurora’s second blog of January. This week was a fun-filled one as we explored and talked about different types of vehicles . The students seem to like emergency vehicles, so they are in for a fun ride.Everyone is fascinated by police cars and the wailing sound their sirens make. It goes without saying that Friday’s police car craft was a hit!

Is that a magician??
This week we officially began our afternoon circle exchange program, where homeroom teachers visit various classes and lead the afternoon lesson. Meadow’s Ms.Mayu graced us with her presence on Tuesday. She did magic tricks which the students loved and read them a Japanese story to wrap her session up. Thank you Ms. Mayu!
今週から、各クラスの担任の先生が様々なクラスを訪問し、午後のサークルタイムをリードする新たな試みが始まりました。火曜日はMeadowクラスからMs.Mayuが来てくれました。手品を披露してくれたり、絵本を読んでもらいAuroraさんたちはドキドキワクワク!とても喜んでいました。Thank you Ms. Mayu!

UOI:What does an ambulance look like?
As part of our inquiry into different types of vehicles,placing particular emphasis on prior knowledge assessment, the teacher asked the students to draw an ambulance based on their knowledge and or imagination.

This week we revised what was introduced to us last week. That is, tapping red and white papers with sticks in a certain rhythm. We will begin practicing for March’s music concert next week.

There have recently been quite a number of influenza and COVID infections that were confirmed among teachers and students. It might be worth considering wearing masks for a while in order to curb the spread of bacteria and viruses. Please take care of yourselves.
Have an awesome weekend!

Below are the links to some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.