


Aurora:Navigating new waters (April 15th-19th)

Hi all! Welcome to Aurora’s third blog of April.
The weather has become fairly warm so we took advantage of this and spent lots of time outdoors. We walked to the park behind seven eleven, played in the schoolyard and went to North Shonai park by bus.


Ladybug craft

As part of encouraging the Inquirer learner profile (LP), we did a ladybug craft this week. The students have been spotting lots of ladybugs at the park lately. Now that the weather is warmer, everyone will enjoy seeing a variety of bugs around! It was Aurora’s very first time to use scissors and they all enjoyed this so much.


School tour

As part of our Line of Inquiry 1( LOI1), “getting to know oneself and the people around oneself”, we took a small tour around school and had fun using the binoculars to spot room names, teachers and staff. Thank you for making the binoculars together at home. They were so colorfuly artistic!

Line of Inquiry 1(LOI1)の一環である “自分自身や周りの人を知る “ために、学校内を見学し、双眼鏡を使って部屋の名前や先生、スタッフを見つけることを楽しみました。お家で一緒に双眼鏡を作っていただきありがとうございました。とてもカラフルで芸術的でした!


The way the gym lesson is now conducted is totally different from last year. Ms. Airi prepares interactive games for the students , such that they communicate and socialize amongst themselves instead of hovering around the teacher. We are so excited to witness their social development and we are confident that they will all be very independent individuals in the future, near or far .


Emergency drill

We had an emergency drill on Thursday morning. The case was a fire from the kitchen. The basic rules are the same as they were taught last year in nursery.

O-No pushing others during evacuation.

HA-No running.

SHI-Always keep quiet so that you can hear the teacher’s instructions.

MO-Never return to the burning building.

TE-Use the palm of your hand to cover your mouth and nose so that smoke doesn’t enter your lungs.







Balanced, Communicators

We focused on being balanced and communicators this week. IB is new to everyone and so it’s important to move slowly but surely. I asked the students what they thought being balanced means. Someone said, “eating vegetables!” Absolutely correct! We become balanced individuals by focusing on the intellectual, physical and emotional in order to be well-rounded. In the case of eating lunch, a typical plate usually has meat, carbohydrates and vegetables. They don’t necessarily have to wipe their plates clean all the time. What I explained to them is that trying to eat a bit of all these makes them balanced!


Next, I asked them what they thought being a communicator meant. This one was a bit tricky for them. Students who are communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Encouraging verbal communication through English is one of the things we are very mindful of. When someone finds themselves in trouble they can cry for a while(it’s good not to suppress emotions), but after they have calmed down, they should try their best to explain the situation to the teacher.


We have swimming class on Tuesday the 23rd so please don’t forget to prepare swim suits.

Have a great, restful weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.




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