We are almost at the end of the month!
Our little ones are enjoying learning about the different kinds of Farm Animals! We did activities such as:
Recognizing farm animals and practiced saying “I like _______“.🌟

Determining the missing animal through finishing the farm pattern.🐐🐔🐎🐄

Recent research suggests that fine motor skills are so important that they are connected to how a child learns to read, completes math skills and other higher-level cognitive thinking (Grissmer, Grimm, Ayer, Murrah, and Steele (2010).
Our young ones are doing great in tracing lines and holding a marker!✍🏻 Wonderful Rainbow!!!
最近の研究によると、手先の運動能力は非常に重要で、子ども達が読むことを学んだり、数学能力やその他のより高いレベルの認知的思考を獲得することに関連すると言われています。(Grissmer、Grimm、Ayer、Murrah、Steele(2010)) 私達のクラスの子ども達は線をなぞったり、マーカーを握ったり、よく頑張っています!素晴らしい!レインボーのみんな!!!

Music class has a big factor in helping to develop our youngsters’ gross and fine motor skills through dancing and clapping their hands!👏🏻

One of our youngsters turned 3 this month!🎂 Let’s take at look at how he celebrated his birthday with his friends. Have a blast!!!🎈

Have a great weekend everyone!✨