


Go, Grow, & Glow Food! Milky Way 5/8 -5/12

Hello everyone! Hope you had a wonderful Golden Week holiday! Now we are back to school again! Milky Way students missed school and came back wearing their bright and lovely smiles!


On Monday, we asked them to draw what they did during the holiday. Some of them watched popular movies in the cinema. Others went to their grandparents’ house, went to the park, and had a picnic. While few of them travelled out of town and country. Everybody enjoyed their holiday with their families!


At lunchtime, we asked the students to take and serve their own lunch. This is part of our UOI in LOI2:Habits that keep us healthy. We did this for our prior knowledge assessment to see if they will choose to eat healthy while we are giving them the freedom to take their food. It was great to see that even if we gave them a chance to choose only the food they like, all of them still took vegetables. They chose to eat healthy!


Then, we had our Phonics lesson. We continued to learn about magic e words (u-e) such as cute, cube, tube, duke, plume, mule, and mute. We also read a short story with magic e words which entitled “Tule the Mule”. In reading the story, they discovered a new word “mule” which is a hybrid between a horse and a donkey. 

フォニックスのレッスンでは、cute、cube、tube、duke、plume、mule、muteなど、MagicEワード(u-e)について引き続き学びました。また、”Tule the Mule “というタイトルのMagicEワードを使った短いストーリーも読みました。この物語を読んで、子どもたちは、馬とロバの混血である「ミュール」という新しい言葉を発見しました!

In UOI, we watched a video about Go, Grow, and Glow foods and they learned which food belongs to each category. We also sang the song “Go, Grow, and Glow Foods”. In our IB time, we have a sorting activity wherein students sort the food pictures into Go, Grow, or Glow food. Then, they can watch the same video to check if their answers are correct and change it if not.

UOIでは、Go, Grow, and Glow foods(黄・赤・緑の三色栄養群)についてのビデオを見て、どの食べ物がそれぞれどのカテゴリーに属するかを学びました。また、「Go, Grow, and Glow Foods」という歌を歌いました。IBタイムでは、いろいろな食べ物の写真を「Go」「Grow」「Glow」に分類するアクティビティを行いました。分けた後にまたビデオを見て、自分の答えが正しいかどうかをチェックし、違っていた場合は修正して学ぶことができました。

They also painted boxes for Go, Grow, and Glow foods which they will use to store their food toys. Everytime they clean up the toys, they have to sort the toys accordingly.


In our Obento shop area, we encourage our students to make a healthy lunch box with Go, Grow, and Glow foods. Through this activity, they become thinkers and reflective in deciding what food to put in the lunch box.


Since we are reading books related to food, some of our students brought their books from home to share the story to their friends. Thanks for sharing your book! Your friends loved it!


On Wednesday, they made a present for Mother’s Day. They traced their hand on the paper and cut it. Made a flower using flower paper and a stem using origami paper. They glued the hand on the paper like holding a flower. Finally, they wrote a message for their mom. Happy Mother’s Day!


In our IB time, they enjoyed feeding the bear with magic e words. First they have to read the word and put it into the bear’s mouth. By doing this, they are able to review the previous magic e words that we have learned, and we see lots of improvement to those who had a hard time reading before.


Milky Way class had so much fun playing at the park. They enjoyed playing at the play structures, playing tag, and so on. They were very risk-takers in trying to use other structures for the first time.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a nice weekend!


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