ハロウィンパーティーが賑やかに開催されました!まるで魔法の夢の国でした。子ども達はそれぞれの思い描く憧れのキャラクターになりきって、変身する楽しさや高揚感を味わっていました。プリンセスやプリンス、ヒーローやパンプキン、巨人やパイレーツ達もみんな笑顔で、エネルギーに溢れていました。様々なゲームやお友達やお友達のご家族との交流を存分に楽しんでいただけたでしょうか? このハロウィーンパーティーが子ども達が自分を表現したり、普段なかなか出せない、内なる気持ちを表に出す機会になればこの上ない幸せです。また、いつもと違う環境やイベントは子ども達の五感を刺激し、経験を積み上げ、思い出を増やし、考える力をつけてくれたのでしゃないでしょうか。どの瞬間にも、子ども達の成長を感じます。
Happy Halloween! !
The Halloween party was held in a lively atmosphere! It was like a magical dreamland. The children enjoyed the fun and excitement of transforming into the characters they admired. Princesses and princes, heroes and pumpkins, giants and pirates were all smiling and full of energy. I hope they enjoyed playing various games and interacting with their friends and their families. We would be extremely happy if this Halloween party was an opportunity for the children to express themselves and express their inner feelings that they usually cannot express. In addition, the unusual environment and events stimulated the children’s five senses, accumulated experiences, increased their memories, and improved their thinking skills. At every moment, I felt the children’s growth.
This time, Ms. Grenda and Ms. Sayuri from Rainbow were in charge of planning and hosting the party, so we apologize for not being able to take many photos of everyone (excuses)

Thank you to all the parents who made their children’s dreams come true and participated in this event. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
Have a wonderful weekend.