Hello wonderful parents and friends.
We spent a few short but wonderful moments with our students this week. To throw back to the Christmas show last week, our students requested to dance to the rhythm of the “Jingle Bell rock song.” We read a book about Christmas and talked about Santa. Kids talked about the presents they wanted for Christmas and said in front of their friends, “I want a… toy, “I want a bicycle” etc. Our students cooperated to clean their lockers and pack their things to bring home before the long holiday starts. We took advantage of playing outside before the snow melted. They were delighted touching the snow and played with their friends.
今週は短いながらも素晴らしいひとときを過ごしました。先週のクリスマス ショーを思い出し、子ども達は「ジングルベル ロック ソング」を踊りたい!とリクエストしてくれました。クリスマスに関する本を読み、サンタについて話しました。クリスマスに欲しいプレゼントについて質問すると「おもちゃが欲しい」「自転車が欲しい」など、お友達の前で発表してれました。長い休暇が始まるので、みんなで協力し合ってロッカーを掃除し、持ち帰る荷物をまとめました。雪が溶ける前に、外で遊ぶ機会も持ちました。子ども達は雪に触れ喜んで遊びました。

As we approach the end of this wonderful year, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey our young learners have had. It has been a joy watching your children grow, explore, and discover new things each day. Their enthusiasm and curiosity have made this year truly special.
We would like to thank you for your unwavering support and partnership. It’s because of your involvement and encouragement that we’ve been able to create such a nurturing and exciting environment for the children to thrive.
As we wrap up this year, we’re excited for the progress your child has made and are looking forward to the many adventures ahead in the new year. Wishing you all a joyful and restful holiday season, and we can’t wait to see everyone back in the classroom soon!
Thank you once again for entrusting us with your child’s learning and growth.