素敵なお休みをお過ごしください! Meadowクラスの12月20日から24日より
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the last fantastic week of the year. Christmas is in the air! We have been singing Christmas songs talked about Santa! Kids are so excited to welcome Christmas and also their most awaited presents. In our lesson this month about toys, we asked students “What do you want for Christmas?” Each of them stood up in front of their friends picking up the flashcards of toys saying “I want a… teddy bear, a robot, and etc.
素晴らしい今年最終週のブログへようこそ。クリスマスですね!子供達はサンタクロースについて話しクリスマスの歌を歌ってきました。みんなクリスマスが近づき待ちに待ったプレゼントにワクワクしています。今月のレッスンはおもちゃがテーマでしたので子供達に “What do you want for Christmas?” と聞くと、一人一人みんなの前に立ち選んだおもちゃのフラッシュカードを持ち “I want a… teddy bear, a robot, などのように言いました。

We also have been busy making our craft, ” The snowman”. Our little learners chose their favorite paint colors, painted the paper plate to have a colorful body. Then have them thread the yarn through the hole cut at each side of the paper plate. Threading reinforces the spatial concept of “over” and “under” and increases concentration skills by requiring the children to hold attention to the task at hand and benefits the development of the child’s hand muscle. They enjoyed it very much.

Fun in the park
That was a very nice sunny morning. Our little ones were so excited to get on the bus to the park. Upon arriving there, the ground was so muddy and wet. In spite of that situation, they enjoyed more and had so much fun running on the muddy area, and as usual, enjoyed sliding down the slide and riding on the animal springers and racing with friends😊
快晴の朝、子供達はバスで公園へ出掛けるのをとても楽しみにしていました。着くと直ぐに地面は泥で濡れていました。それにも関わらず皆大いに泥の場所でいつものように走ったり、滑り台を滑ったり動物の形のバネつき遊具で遊んだりかけっこをして楽しんでいました。 😊

Walking to the park
We enjoyed the walk to the park. The fun continued playing together with friends. Have a look at their smiles and their moves.

Fire Drill on Thursday
The bell rang without any notice. Our new learners were so observant of what’s happening and what to do. When they heard “There’s a fire in the kitchen!”, following the teacher, they immediately, get in the line and evacuated quietly to the parking area while covering their nose. Good job, Meadow!
予告無しにベルが鳴りました。子供達は何が起こっているのか、また何をするべきか、良く周りを見て理解していました。「調理室が火事です!」と聞き、先生に続いて急いで列に並び、皆、鼻を覆いながら静かに駐車場へ避難しました。 Meadowクラスのお友達、頑張りました!
We celebrated the birthday of our three celebrants in December. They stood up in front of their friends and we all sang “Happy birthday to you!” They were amazed to receive their birthday cards with their photos attached. “Happy happy birthday! We wish you good health and we are excited to see your growth every day!” We love You!
12月生まれの3人のお友達のお祝いをしました。クラスメートの前に立ち、みんなで “Happy birthday to you!” の歌を歌ってお祝いしました。写真を貼った誕生日カードを受け取り喜んでいました。お誕生日おめでとう!みんなが元気で、また毎日の成長を見届けるのを楽しみにしています!みんなからもおめでとう!

Thank you all for a great term and hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year. We will see you in 2022😊
素晴らしい時間を共に過ごせたことに感謝致します。素敵なクリスマスそして良いお正月をお過ごしください。2022年にお会いしましょう 😊