Hi, Aurora families!
The rainy season has just started that most of the people don’t like! One of the signs of the rainy season in Japan is the blooming of Hydrangea which everybody adores for its beauty. Our class’ craft for this week was to make hydrangea flowers. The materials that we used are cutout flower and leaf shapes, sponge, pencil, and paint. We dipped the sponge in the paint, stamped it on the flower, and drew lines of the leaves using a pencil. Look at our colorful hydrangeas!

This week, we moved on to the last LOI of unit 1 which is My dream. This involves their dream job when they grow up. The teacher introduced some possible jobs such as a teacher, a doctor, a chef, a fire fighter, a police officer, and a pilot. Each student chose their dream job and practiced saying “I want to be a ______.”

Another activity that we did was making jobs paper dolls. First, they colored the uniform of their dream job. We took pictures of each student and printed them as paper dolls and they cut it around. Next, they put the dress on to their own paper dolls. We let them played with their paper dolls and they were very happy to see theirselves as toys. They made conversations like:Hello! I’m a teacher. I can teach you! Hi! I’m a chef. I can cook for you! I’m a doctor. I can take care of you! I’m a firefighter. I can stop the fire! I’m a police officer. I can help you. I’m a pilot. I can fly!
着せ替えを終えて最後のアクティビティ!テーブルごとのグループでRole Playをやってみました!まずは先生がお手本を見せます。みんなはすぐに理解しそれぞれのテーブルで会話や遊ぶ声が聞こえてきました😁
「私は先生よ!こんにちは!」(I am a teacher, hello!)と1人の子が言います。するともう1人の子は「こんにちは!私は医者よ!」(Hello! I am a doctor!)と会話するのも聞こえてきて、先生達はとても感動😍✨
先生達も含め、オーロラ全員がアクティビティを楽しむことができてとても満足です✌️ 楽しく学ぶことの大切さが分かりますね😉
Everybody enjoyed in our gym class! They had awesome hula hoop activities. They also played tag wherein the students were divided into two groups as to boys and girls. The boys and girls groups take turns as “it” of the game. And this time they imitated the movement of a crocodile!

We did something new in our music class on Thursday! New songs and instruments were used such maracas and sticks & colored cards!

We’ll update you more on our next blogs! Thank you and have a good weekend!