
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

ISN Music Concert 2025-Shooting Star-March 3rd-7th


Welcome to Shooting Star class first blog for the month of March!3月初めてのシューティングスターブログへようこそ!

This week’s highlight was our first ever music concert, not only for Shooting Star class, but Aurora and Milky Way classes as well. After a month or two, we finally showcased our talent in playing the pianica, singing, and dancing. It was brief, but short and sweet. It was a homey concert where everyone relaxed and enjoyed the musical entertainment. Shooting Star enjoyed singing and dancing with the song, Let’s Start This Day. They felt like it was Christmas Show again when they sang the last part of the song with their hands joined together up and waving the audience. The pianica performance was even more entertaining. Students tried playing their pianica carefully altogether having the same tune with the piano teacher. How wonderful it was seeing them performed with focus on stage. They have grown up so wonderfully! And the violin performance from the special guest? Aww, it was entertaining. Everyone had a great time listening to violin music and their ad-libs were very entertaining. Everyone in the concert hall had so much fun.

今週のハイライトは、なんといってもミュージックコンサートですね。シューティングクラスのみならず、オーロラ、ミルキーウェイの3クラスが楽しみました。本番はアッと言う間でしたが、子ども達はとても可愛く、またピアニカのパフォーマンス、歌とダンスでシューティングさんたちのこれまでの練習の成果と頑張りをお見せできたと思います。ハーモニーホールという事もあり、素敵な音の響きでリラックスしながら楽しんでいただけたのではないでしょうか。Let’s Start This Dayでは、まるでクリスマスショーの時の様に手を繋ぎ手を振ってくれましたね。ピアニカで弾いた2曲では、一人ひとりがピアノの音とテンポに合わせようと頑張りました。ステージ上で集中している子供たちの姿はとても素晴らしかったです。みんなの成長が感じられました。スペシャルゲストの「おきらくBoys」さん達のパフォーマンスも素敵でした。子ども達みんな楽しんでいましたね!



Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.素敵な週末をお過ごしください!

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