Hello everyone and welcome back to Milky Way’s weekly blog!
This week, we began to explore Unit 5: 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle but for the meantime we only focused on “REUSE”. Milky Way students looked around the classroom and found something that we can use again and explained why and how we can use it again. They have great ideas how those things can be used again. Well done!👏

The next day, we had special guest speakers from the City Hall who helped us learn about RECYCLE. It started with a fun guessing game wherein students had to guess what new thing can be made out of a specific trash and they all got it right! They were also taught the proper garbage disposal of plastics and burnable garbage, and the importance of eating all the food served in them and not wasting food. In the end, they enjoyed dancing the recycle dance altogether! Thank you so much, City Hall staff for supporting our inquiry about the 3 R’s.⭐

We read a RAZ book entitled “New Again” and discovered how to reuse many things around us. They also understand the difference between reuse and recycle in this book and used their imagination to think what they can make out of cans, boxes, socks, paper, bucket, and PET bottles.🤔 Then, we decided to make more toys that they can use in their shop area. We reused the newspaper to make oranges, bananas, blueberries, and sausages. To make them, they soak the newspaper in the water, squeeze it to remove the water, and make the shape of the food they want to create. We need to put it under the sun to let them dry and paint them when they are ready.🍊🫐🍌

In our writing lesson, they wrote sentences about the picture they chose. They remembered to follow the rules in writing a sentence such as using uppercase letter in the beginning of the sentence, using finger space after each word, and using punctuation marks at the end of the sentence. We also have spelling practice everyday, this is for them to be more familiar with how to write words thinking about the sounds a word has and writing them by themselves. Most of them improve their writing everyday and are able to write most of the words correctly.📝
In our Phonics lesson, we learned words with long /ie/ sound such as tied, fries, fried, pie, lie, dried, tie, flies, cried, etc. They had fun doing Roll and Read activity. “Roll the dice!!” they said and read the words on the row of the number shown on the dice.📖
Thank you for reading our blog! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!😍