A lovely August to us and everyone! Welcome back to our BLOG! Join us as we look back at some of the happenings in our classroom this week!
- Before moving on to the next Line of Inquiry, the whole class made their storybook about conflict and solution. Each of them showed their artistic side and creativity by making their own character, settings, and plot of the story. It was a good review of their unit 3: Story in Shooting Star.
UOIでは、次のLine of Inquiryに移る前に、衝突と解決についての絵本を作りました。みんな自分のキャラクターや設定、あらすじを作っていて、芸術的でした!Shooting Starクラスのユニット3で探求した「Story」の良い復習になりました。

We also made our Goal Folder this week! This folder contains our goals!

- One of the goals the class has set for them is to have a beautiful performance at the coming Sports Festival. That is why everyone is giving their best in each practice and rehearsal we have for Sports Fest.

It has been a good week for everybody and We all can’t wait for September to start and finally have our Sports Festival!
Bonus track!
See you in the next one.