


Meadow:❤️ makes the world go round (October 2nd~6th)

Welcome to Meadow’s first blog of October.
This week we welcomed a new friend M. At the beginning of the school term Meadow was an ‘all girls’ class but now we have 4 boys!! We look forward to making fun memories with our new friend.



On Monday we enjoyed playing in the school yard and on Tuesday and Thursday we walked to the small park near the school. Someone spotted a grasshopper and the teacher caught it using an insect net. Most of the students didn’t have a problem touching it. Some might have been a less enthusiastic about it but they challenged themselves to touch it!


Heart shape
It is said that loves makes the world go round. Love is the reason why we can share our toys with our friends. It’s the reason why we are nice to our teachers and classmates. Without it our days would be lonely and dull. It just so happens that as we were introduced to shape names most of us immediately recognised the heart and gravitated towards it.



As usual we had a blast this week during gym class. Running around, laughing, trying gymnastic poses every Wednesday releases our happy hormones and it leaves us feeling so good!

今週のGym lessonもいつも通りとても楽しかったです。毎週水曜日、走り回り、笑い、体操のポーズに挑戦することで、幸せホルモンが分泌され、とてもいい気分になります!

Music lesson

Another 2 month interval has passed so we started learning new songs this week. The music teacher taught us 3 new songs. There’s one about biscuits taken from a ‘magic pocket’ that keep on increasing in number!


Paint play

On Friday after the music lesson, we headed outside to enjoy playing with paint. The main reason was to do our Halloween craft. The students made palm prints on craft paper and then played with the paint freely afterwards. Some dug their feet into the paint, others smudged the paint all over the place. Everyone had fun this week!

金曜日の音楽レッスンの後、私たちは外に出て絵の具遊びを楽しみました。一つ目はハロウィンに向けたクラフト。白い絵の具でハンドプリントをして、可愛いこうもりになる予定です。二つ目は少し気が早いですが、紅葉シーズンを先取りしてAutumn Treeを作ろうと自由に絵の具で表現活動を楽しみました。絵の具に足を入れてみたり、手や足を使って大胆に遊びこみました。終わった後、みんな口々に「楽しかった!!」と言ってくれました。肌寒くなってきたので、どろんこ用のお洋服を使うのは今年度は今日が最後になります。汚れてもいいお洋服のご用意、お洗濯、ありがとうございました。今週も楽しい一週間でした!

Morning and night time temperatures have become very chilly so please make sure to keep warm. Have a nice long weekend and see you again next week on Tuesday!


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Meadow:❤️ makes the world go round (October 2nd~6th)