


Meadow: Wrapping up our topic for August (August 28th~September 1st)

Hello everyone!
Welcome to Meadow’s final blog of the month. Sports festival is around the corner now and Meadow class is doing their very best rehearsing for the big day!


今月最後のMeadowクラスのブログへようこそ。  スポーツフェスティバルが間近に迫り、本番に向けて一生懸命リハーサルを行っています!

It’s time to eat your peas

Two weeks ago I mentioned that the students like the “Do you like broccoli ice-cream” song. Another song that Meadow students like is about a mom encouraging her son to eat vegetables. She does this by pretending that the son’s favorite toys are also eating the veggies. For instance, “see, see Teddy likes the broccoli…” I’m sure every parent can relate to this. There are times when you just have to try every trick in the book to get your little ones to eat more greens!!

Do you like broccoli ice-cream?の歌に加えて、お気に入りの歌が増えました。タイトルは”Yes Yes vegetables song”、子どもに野菜を食べるように勧める歌です。保護者の方ならだれでも共感できると思います。小さな子に野菜をもっと食べてほしいと願い、あの手この手を使うのは親なら誰しも経験がありますよね!

Morning circle time

As part of our phonics study, this week we placed our focus on the letter “F”. The words we learnt are fox, fan, fire , frog, fish, flag, flower and faucet. As usual everyone is always eager to learn new words and imitate what the teacher says! Good job Meadow!

フォニックス学習の一環として、今週は “F “に焦点を当てました。学んだ単語は、fox、fan、fire、frog、fish、flag、flower、faucetです。いつもながら、みんな新しい単語を覚えることに熱心で、先生の言うことを真似しています!Good job Meadow!

Goodbye pool, see you again next year!

This week was our last to enjoy pool time. September 31st was the last day for us to use the portable swimming pools.We made sure to make the most of the little time we had left. On Thursday we officially said bye to our swimming pool. We have had a jolly time with you Yellow and Blue(the pools are yellow and blue so we nicknamed them this way). See you again next year!



When you hear the word ‘airplane’ what comes to mind? For most people the thing that shots up in their mind is travel! Travelling around the world is our theme for this year’s sports festival . Of course 2 year olds don’t know the concept of different geographical locations and time zones but we have made effort to give them an idea of what the world is and what travel means. In that respect, we did an airplane craft on Friday in preparation for Sports festival. The teacher explained the concept of the “world” to the students and then asked them which color they wanted to use.They all enjoyed the activity.


Hello to you September and enter FRUITS

Friday was the first day of the new month- September so the teacher briefly introduced a few fruit names to us through song and dance. It looks like we are in for another fun ride this month learning about fruit names. After all, 99.9% of all the desserts we are served at lunch time are fruits so we plan to be able to name them all by the end of the September!


Have a nice and restful weekend. Until next week, it’s goodbye for now.


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Meadow: Wrapping up our topic for August (August 28th~September 1st)