


Meadow:At the tip of our tongues(October 30th~November 3rd)

Welcome to Meadow’s first blog of the month of November. The highlight of our week was welcoming a new friend to Meadow. N is a very cheerful little girl and she was excited to play with her classmates as soon as she entered the classroom. We look forward to making many fun memories with her this school year.


Acorns rock!

We kicked off our week by going to the park to play. As usual the slide and swings were a favorite of most of the students. On Thursday we went to Nanbu park to collect acorns. Our hunt for the small but mighty acorns wasn’t really successful so we are planning on giving it another go next week. Everyone enjoyed watching the trains pass by Nanbu park!


It’s only cold when you are standing still

Since autumn officially came around there were a few days when it felt hot during the afternoon but temperatures have definitely dropped now.There is no longer a doubt about it. With that said, we will make sure we do not feel too cold by moving around a lot during gym lesson. Particularly running is going to be our new best friend!


Body parts

Our topic for November is “body parts” and on Wednesday we dove right into it during afternoon circle time. “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” is one of the most popular nursery rhymes that is related to body parts. Therefore it is not surprising that when the teacher introduced the body part names to the class it was evident that the words were at the tip of their tongues. They just needed subtle hints to remember how to say the body part names. It’s promising to be a another fun-filled month of learning body part names!

11月のトピックは「body parts(体の部位)」で、水曜日の午後のサークルタイムから学びをスタートしました。おなじみの”Head, shoulders, knees and toes”(日本ではあたまかたひざぽん)は、体の部位に関する最もポピュラーな童謡のひとつですね。そのため、先生が体の部位の名前を紹介したとき、その単語が子どもたちの舌の先にあったことは特段驚くことではありませんでした。ただ、体の部位の名前の言い方を覚えるのに、さりげないヒントが必要だったのです。今月もまた、体の部位の名前を学ぶ、楽しさいっぱいの月になりそうです!

“Ten tiny toes”

Ten tiny toes by Caroline Jayne Church is going to be our book of primary focus for storytime.It helps kids identify basic body parts such as the mouth, ears ,eyes, nose, arms, belly and legs! It’s a perfect read for 2 year olds so If you can get a hold of it please read it to your little ones.

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.

「Ten tiny toes」この絵本は、mouth 口、ears 耳、eyes 目、nose 鼻、arms 腕、belly お腹、legs 足など、基本的な体の部位を識別するのに役立ちます!2歳児にぴったりの絵本なので、機会がありましたら、ぜひお子さんに読んであげてください。


Have a nice long weekend and take good care of yourselves.

Until next week, it’s goodbye from us.



TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Meadow:At the tip of our tongues(October 30th~November 3rd)