


Our Big Autumn Tree-Rainbow(Nov. 7th-11th)

大きな秋の木 レインボークラス 11月7日から11日より

Hello everyone, welcome to another fun week here in Rainbow class.

We have started our week, strolling through the park. Kids kept warm putting on their jackets however, they looked so hot when going back to school.

皆さま、こんにちは  レインボークラスの新たな週のブログへようこそ


Tuesday-Craft day

火曜日 工作の日

We made our Big Autumn tree craft. Kids were excited to start seeing a big illustration paper in front of them. They listened well to the teacher’s instructions before we started painting our Autumn tree. They named the colors of the paints, yellow, red, green, brown, and orange and chose their favorite one they wanted to use. They painted freely and safely. Everyone had a big smile seeing their own masterpiece.

子供達は大きな秋の木の工作をしました。みんな大きな模造紙を前にして大喜びでした。秋の木を色付ける前に先生のお話をよく聞きました。そして絵具の色をred, green, brown, and orange のように言ってみて使いたい好きな色を選びました。自由に安全に色を付けました。傑作品を見て満面の笑みを浮かべました。

Thursday- Park day

木曜日 公園へ

We have longed for this day to come and do the outdoor autumn activity. We went to the park where there were piles of fallen and dried leaves. When we arrived at the park, Rainbow students held their partner’s hand and walked to the loan. Kids started to play, chased with friends, picking up the dried leaves and putting them in their handmade milk box bag, and throwing the leaves up high. There were a lot of dried leaves and kids showered them on their friend’s and the teacher’s heads. Kids had a blast time flies and have to go back to school. They held their friends’ hands and walked back to the bus. We are looking forward to another week to enjoy doing a lot of fun outdoors this season.


On this day we also conducted the loiterer drill. Kids weren’t aware of the drill but they followed the teachers’ instructions to stay in one corner away from the door and kept quiet. After the announcement that the stranger has gone, we explained to students the rules to remember when there is a stranger. They listened carefully when we explained the rules of Ika No O sushi.

Ika means ikanai- Don’t go with the Stranger

No means Noranai- Don’t get on the Stranger’s car

O means Ookii na koe de sakebu- Shout with a big voice

Su means Subayaku nigeru- Run as fast as you can

Shi means Shiraseru- Tell to parents or to the teacher


いか  いかない       不審者に追いていかない

の   のらない       審者の車に乗らない

お   おおきなこえでさけぶ  大きな声で叫ぶ

す   すばやくにげる    素早く逃げる

し   すぐにしらせる    直ぐに知らせる

Body parts Lesson


This week, we have done a lot of activities for learning parts of the parts. We played the “Touch your … ” Half of the class chorused the “ Touch your… Nose, head, eyes!” and half of the kids did the action. Then they switched after they reached the finish line. They enjoyed it very much.

今週、たくさんの体の部位を学ぶ活動をしました。“Touch your … ” の遊びをしました。クラス半分の子供達が“ Touch your… Nose, head, eyes!”と声を合わせて言うと、残りの子供達が実際にやって見せた後、交代しました。とても楽しんでいました。

During our free play, we distributed the laminated face of a boy and a girl and the kids enjoyed making their parts of faces in different shapes using the clay while saying, big eyes, small nose, big mouth!

自由時間では子供達にラミネートした男の子、女の子の顏を配りました。粘土で異なる形を作りbig eyes, small nose, big mouth! と言いながら顏のパーツを作って楽しんでいました。

Counting numbers 1-10


Everyday, we learn numbers in whatever we do. When making a line and walk together to wash our hands, playing with friends and even when children changing their clothes.

This week, the kids enjoyed our “counting the apple” activity. We showed to the kids the laminated apple tree and asked each of them to come in front and count the apples on the tree. They did a good job😀


Thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend.



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