


Rainbow: Fire truck to the rescue!(January 22nd~26th)

Hello everyone!  皆様、こんにちは!
Welcome to Rainbow’s third blog of the month. The highlight of our week was the birthday party held on Monday. The youngest member of Rainbow class turned three this month. Happy birthday M! Our own Ms.Hitoko was in charge of the birthday party this time around and she prepared a fun “guess what it is” game for us! After that we all sang the English version of the famous setsubun nursery rhyme.

レインボークラスのブログへようこそ!今週のハイライトは、月曜日に開催されたお誕生日会です。レインボークラスからは、最後の1名がお誕生日を迎えました。これで全員が3歳になりました。おめでとう、Mちゃん!レインボークラスのMs Hitokoが1月生まれさんのお誕生日会の係でした。これなーんだ?クイズゲームをしたり、もうすぐ節分ということもあり、節分にちなんだ子供のお歌、鬼のパンツの英語バージョンをダンスと一緒に教えてくれました。


Ms.Airi wasn’t available this week but we went to the gym anyway and enjoyed moving our bodies. It was very cold on Wednesday morning but as soon as the students started running around and being very active they realised that movement beats the cold!

今週はMs Airiが急遽お休みとなり、講師の先生なしで体育館に行き体を動かしてきました!水曜日はとても寒い日でしたが、体育館につくなりみんな走ったり体を動かし、みんな体を動かすと寒さに打ち勝つことができることを知りました。

Fire truck

On Thursday during afternoon circle time we made fire trucks! Dubbed the “working cars” in Japan, fire trucks are fascinating to kids of all ages.


Phonics lesson and the letter t

Ten, truck, toe, train, tree, toy, table and tongue are the words we learnt this week!

今週はTtの音を学びました。Ttから始まる単語もたくさん教えてもらいました!Ten, truck, toe, train, tree, toy, table、tongueなどです。


Placing emphasis on numbers 1~10 we learnt how to count objects this week. We counted the objects on the lesson materials together as a class and then the teacher asked everyone to try doing it individually.



One of our favorite songs to sing during music class is one that talks about a mommy banana, daddy banana and child banana! The dance moves are also fun ha ha.


Tuesday the 30th is Rainbow’s open day! We look forwad to your attendance and participation.


Have a great weekend!素敵な週末をお過ごしください。

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.以下は今週クラスで歌い踊った曲です。

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