Backpack? Check. School clothes? Check. Bottle? Check. Bright, shiny attitude? Check. Yep, Rainbow is ready for an awesome year at Nagano campus!
First of all, we would like to extend the warmest welcome to all of the newly joined students. WELCOME TO RAINBOW! It is our great honor and privilege to serve you all in this school year of 2021!
As for the first day, we introduced one another, everyone was excited to see the new faces and some are still trying to get used to it. We also explained the daily routines of ISN. By doing this, we gave them the overview of daily schedule and what to expect for each period of time at ISN.
That’s for the talk. Let’s walk the talk!
Rainbow were able to put what they’ve heard into action, they’ve done multiple tasks during the first week such as learn to stand in line before entering and going out of the classroom, finding their own futon during nap time, learn to recognize their own seat, placing the clothes/utensils/bottles in the right basket, clean up, build with blocks and etc.
We enjoyed the the first week with Rainbow!
Everyone was doing their best! The teachers are so proud of you, keep up good work!