Park! Park! Park! We missed the park last Monday! Rainbow kids were all set and excited for their bus trip but too bad the weather didn’t cooperate with us. We were already in the location when suddenly it started showering. We always care about our kids’ safety and health so we’ve decided to postponed it on the 24th. We’re all looking forward to it and hoping for a fine sunny weather.
One thing that excite the kids were their bentos prepared by their mom/dad. They were all so happy and excited to show what’s inside the bento and were so proud to share that it was prepared by their mom/dad. I really appreciate the time and effort the parents had allotted in preparing their kids’ bento. It really means a lot to them. They were all so happy and excited to eat what you’ve prepared for them.
Since our bus trip was postponed. The kids enjoyed playing with play doughs and had fun making shapes like stars and hearts in different sizes.
Time flies so fast and the Halloween is fast approaching. What your costume be like? Who will you be in our upcoming event? I’m excited to see our kids on their costumes and would go “Trick or Treating!” It’ll be fun for sure! And speaking of, we started decorating our room with Halloween decorations and the kids made a ghost craft for our Halloween party decoration!
For the whole month, will tackle shapes and Halloween characters. And this week, we introduced both. Last Friday, we stayed outside and played with shapes. I drew a circle, square and triangle shapes on the ground and called them one by one and asked them to go inside the shapes accordingly. They were all smart and they’ve distinguished the shapes and went inside it. We then gave them a chalk to draw shapes where they’re in. So if they’re inside the circle, the kids who are inside would draw a circle, and a square if they’re inside the square and so on. The others even tried to color their shapes. So brilliant and smart!
After that, we went back inside and had their first ever painting. I gave them a paintbrush and told them to paint whatever they want to paint. They enjoyed using the paintbrush and had fun painting. Some of them wanted to stay a bit longer but we didn’t have enough time. They’ve loved it!

When everyone were busy cleaning up and Mikoto has it’s own world and was seriously drinking as if she’s in a restaurant. Haha! So cute!

My sweet and cute helper Ryuki!

Mikoto doing her stunt during our Gym lesson.

This time, he wanted to carry this. He was the last one left and he waited for me. He then gave me a hint that he’ll carry it! So adorable Ryuki!

Another Ryuki’s thing! Here, we asked him to be seated and took the basket away since he carried it all the way from the sink. When we took the basket away, he gestured his hand like saying “give the basket back please” I can do it! Hahahaha! Such a sweetheart!

So here, he’s keeping the cups on the shelf accordingly. He’d seen us doing it almost everyday and he tried it himself. Cute! He knows his friends’ cup and their shelves. Clever boy!
How was your weekend going? Hope you’re all enjoying your long weekend! Have fun!