
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Rainbow September 2-6

Hello September!
This week we had a different fun-learning activities inside and outside the school.
It’s nice to be back and play again at the park! Our young ones had a lot of fun playing on the slide, swing, animal springer, and discover things around them.
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We also had a great time playing outside and in the sandpit. They made different food using sand and drew on the ground.
[envira-gallery id=”52895″]
Our youngsters turned to be a “Tarzan”. Look how they carefully put their faces on Tarzan’s body and put on their clothe. Good job, Rainbow!
[envira-gallery id=”52924″]
We have new topics for this month. We discussed numbers 1-20, alphabet letters U-Z, big and small, different kinds of foods, and shapes such as: star, circle, square, and triangle.
[envira-gallery id=”52963″]
We also introduced them different fun-new songs!
そして、新しい歌も歌い始めました。Do you like〜の歌はクラスでも大人気です。

Have a great weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow September 2-6