Hello everyone! It’s nice to be back!!! I’m very happy to see you all.
This week was full of fun-learning activities.
We started to do tracing of lines. Everyone did great! It’s really good for their fine motor skills to be developed.
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Next, we conducted an Earthquake drill. It’s necessary for them to learn these kinds of precautions at the very young age. We were very impressed of how the students took this drill seriously.
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It was a very beautiful morning to go outside the campus! Yes, it was our first walking trip to the nearest park! It was so amazing to see our young ones walking nicely and following our rules. Great job!🚶🏻♀🚶🏻♂
今週は天気もよく暖かい日もありましたので、キャンパスを出て公園までいきました。お散歩もルールを守りキチンと先生の後をついて行けます。Great job Rainbow!
This week we had fun at Gym!
[envira-gallery id=”68804″]
Lastly, we had our new topics about vegetables. Our little ones were enjoying learning the different kinds of vegetables. Let’s take a look of their favorite vegetable.🥦🍆🥕🥔
そして今週も先週から引き続き、野菜について学んでいます。子供たちはたくさんの野菜の名前を楽しそうに学んでいます。みんなの好きな野菜を発表してくれました。それから「Tall and Short」の高さの違いについても学び始めました。