Welcome to our third blog for the month of November!
Christmas Show is coming next month! This week we practised our lines individually with appropriate emotions and big voices and we did a dry run of the play from beginning to end. We also painted the big cardboard box which we will use for our cave and we made our own sword. Everyone actively engaged with enthusiasm! Aside from our Christmas Show preparation, we also continued our class discussion about expressing our feelings with words and how to respond in an appropriate manner when something is annoying. Moreover, we discussed about honesty especially when we make mistakes of taking things that don’t belong to us. Students shared their wonderful ideas during the class discussion.

We had Phonics lesson and we learned the -ot word family such as; hot, pot, dot, not, cot, etc. We carried out an activity called, “Hop Bunny Hop”. Students hopped from one ring to another while the music played and when the music stopped, they picked a CVC word and read aloud. Reading CVC words is truly fun!

We also had Gym, Music, Reading, and Writing lesson this week which everyone actively engaged in. And on top of that, we played in the park.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.