Hello everyone and welcome to a new school year! This year will be fun and exciting. Ms Miyu and I are happy to be the teachers in Milky Way and look forward to getting to know everyone.
Milky Wayクラスのみなさん、保護者の皆様。ご進学、ご入園おめでとうございます。とても楽しくワクワクした1年のスタートですね✨
Ms.CourtneyとMs.MiyuはMilky Wayの先生になれた事をとても嬉しく思います!!

This week has been full of fun activities. This week is all about getting used to the new environment and getting to know each other. We have gone to the park twice this week and have done a fun craft for their art folder. The students have had lots of free play and chances to play outside which has been nice since the weather is getting warmer.

The students had a couple opportunities to work on some math and writing this week to prepare for the weeks to come. We look forward to growing and learning together this year.
Have a wonderful weekend!