Hello wonderful parents and friends,
The temperature drops every morning and night and we are prone to getting cold. To get rid of getting sick, we ensure they wrap their body before going out. Doing indoor exercise and running in the yard help them burn off calories and make their bodies warm.
Our topic for this month is “Transportation”. We showed the transportation flashcards and learned their names. Dome students say them in Japanese and we taught them how to say them in English. We did the sorting activity by asking students to pick up the transportation and they stuck the same transportation on the wall. They could say their name, and color as well as count them. They said “red car, blue bike, red helicopter, etc. Well done, Meadow!

We went to the gym and park by bus. On our way, the kids spot the transportation they saw. They named them saying; a bus, a train, a garbage truck, a car! They were motivated to find more transportation. At the park, they were thrilled to start playing but before that, we explained to them the rules. They could take turns to play with the animal springer by counting from one to ten and giving the next turn to their friends. The space was huge enough to run around and chase with friends and teachers. The slide was also popular and they all had their turn to play. It was a cold day out but we went back to school with our bodies warm and hungry.

This week, we learned the alphabet G and its phonics. We gave examples of words that start with the letter G like gloves, girl, ghost, and gorilla. Our students were able to pronounce the words well and guess the correct flashcards we asked for.

Gym lesson

How time flies and we are almost halfway finish the month of January. As days go by, we notice how our students have grown up. Most of all, they enjoy school and spend the days cheerfully playing with their friends. They enjoy circle time singing with their big voices and participating in the activities. Stay tuned with us for more fun learning and growth of our students. Thank you for this week.
Keep warm and have a fantastic weekend.