Hello everyone!
We were surprised by the heavy snowfall, but with March upon us, the Rainbows are feeling spring in their hearts. On March 3rd, we discussed the meaning and traditions of the HINAMATSURI (Girls’ Festival), sang the Hinamatsuri song, and then made “Rainbow Hina Dolls (Hinadan Decorations)”. Our children made origami using the designs of their own futons or shoe bags, so they immediately realized that it was their own origami. They folded gorgeous kimonos and dressed their own photos. The total of 12 people, just like the Rainbow class! Who would have what tools and where would they sit were decided by drawing lots in a fair. A gorgeous, lively, and wonderful “Rainbow Hina Doll” was completed.

We had fun and successfully completed the February topic “Family”. And in March, the last month of the school year, we would like to use this as a review opportunity to recall and think about what we have learned and become familiar with so far. We would like the children to further deepen their understanding by recalling various learning, activities, and games such as “numbers”, “colors”, “shapes”, “land animals”, “insects”, “sea animals”, “body”, “clothing”, etc. Topics such as the concept of numbers, colors, and shapes are abundant in everyday life, so they are easy to talk about and the children’s reactions are excellent. When making Rainbow Hina Dolls, we prepared “lottery tickets” consisting of pink paper and numbers for girls and light blue paper and numbers for boys, and we were able to confirm that this has improved the children’s understanding of “numbers” and “colors”.

In the playground, where snow still remained, our children enjoyed the feel of snow and ice, and naturally played with shapes, such as trying to figure out what the ice looked like and making mountains out of snow. They played energetically without worrying about their frozen hands.

また、みんなが大好きな”MONSTER LOVE COLORS”という本をテーマに「色水」作りを楽しみました。色を混ぜて新しい色を作る活動は、赤、青、黄色の中から自分の好きな色を選んで色水を作り、次に他のお友だちの色水と混ぜてみることにしました。赤と青で紫が、黄色と青で緑が・・・こうして様々な色が生まれました。大袈裟に言えば化学実験?!子ども達は体験として不思議さと興奮を味わいました。みんなで作ったレインボーカラーにクレヨンの色も加えて、モンスターを作りました。名前は、レインボーモンスター、みんなで男の子と決めました。
We also enjoyed making “colored water” based on the theme of the book “MONSTER LOVE COLORS,” which everyone loves. For the activity of mixing colors to create new colors, the children chose their favorite color from red, blue, and yellow to make colored water, and then decided to mix it with the colored water of other friends. Red and blue made purple, yellow and blue made green… and so a variety of colors were born. To put it dramatically, it was like a chemistry experiment! Our children felt the wonder and excitement of the experience. They made a monster by adding crayon colors to the rainbow colors they had made together. We named it “Rainbow Monster”, and they decided that the monster is a boy.

Just as colors can mix together to create other colors, we hope that our children will discover a new side of themselves, learn that there are many different people, and broaden their worldview through their interactions with their friends and adults.

Have a nice weekend!