Hello wonderful parents and friends,
Despite the cold weather, we are healthy and have enough energy to keep going every day. We spend almost every day playing outside. Playing under the sun makes our students stay active and prevent them from getting sick. We went to the park on foot, and our students spotted different kinds of transportation and named them. They proved that they are knowledgeable about our transportation lesson. Our park day was also exciting as we went to the park by bus and saw the trains passing by. Our students were thrilled with the trains they saw and counted and said their colors. Some students were busy looking and picking up acorns on the hill.

Our students love playing with cars and trains in the classroom. They did the race on the road we marked on the floor and competed saying “Train is fast, bus is slow!” etc. We also did the activity matching half of the transportation. Two students looked for each half of the transportation, matched them, and said in front of their friends “It’s a train, it’s a car, it’s an airplane etc. Well done, Rainbow!
生徒たちは教室で車や電車で遊ぶのが大好きです。床に作った道路でレースをしたり、「電車は速い、バスは遅い!」などと言って競い合ったりしました。また、交通機関の合せ絵のアクティビティも行いました。2 人の生徒が交通機関の半分ずつを探して合わせ、友達の前で「電車だよ、車だよ、飛行機だよ」などと言いました。よくできました、レインボー!

Rolled sushi roll making
Once a year, we have a Setsubun day, and Ms.Sayuri explained the event. Then we sang the “Oni no pants song and made the Eho-make sushi roll. After listening to the instructions, we distributed the material, and they had fun making their sushi roll. They were amazed and showed their big bite pretending to eat.

Learner Profile
We took photos of students of how they behaved at school. The behaviors they manifested showed the learner profile in IB. Some friends took a tissue and wiped their friends’ tears, tapped their friends’ backs when they were in trouble, and helped friends with the things that were hard for them to do, we taught them that by doing those things, they are “Caring”. Trying to eat foods they don’t like and striving to finish their food, they are Risk-takers. Helping to clean up shows that they are “Principled”. Knowing those Learner profiles will help them to be a better person. We are proud of you, Rainbow.
私たちは、学校での生徒の振る舞いを写真に撮りました。彼らの言動はIB の学習者像を示していました。ティッシュで友達の涙を拭ったり、困っている友達の背中を撫でてあげたり、友達が苦手としていることを手伝ったりするお友達がいました。私たちは、そうしたことを「思いやり」だと教えました。嫌いな食べ物を食べようとしたり、食べきろうと努力したりするのは、挑戦する人です。片付けを手伝うのは「信念を持った人」です。こうした学習者像を知ることは、彼らがより良い人間になるのに役立ちます。私たちは、レインボーのみんなを誇りに思っています。

Reviewing Numbers 1-5
They enjoyed counting and doing the activity on the wall. I asked them for the number and counted the number of pompoms needed and stuck on the wall. Well, done, Rainbow!
1~5 の数字を復習

Thank you for being with us on our journey and fun learning this week. Keep warm and have a restful weekend.