Greetings, みなさま、こんにちは!
Welcome to our third blog for the month of January!1月のブログへようこそ!
This week, Shooting Star class explored deeper into our first line of inquiry about helpers in our community. To begin with, we went for a walk and took a look at some buildings around us. On our walk, we found many buildings like restaurant, library, convenience store, train station, post office, etc. After our walk, we talked about the different buildings that we found in the class. We have come up into a meaningful and engaging discussion by naming the buildings and remembering them all. Then, we continued our inquiry by making the buildings with a colored construction paper. We folded it to make a building, wrote the name of the building on it and drew how it looks like. The whole class were so focused making their own building and after they finished, we placed them on our map layout on the wall. We set up our new UOI play area with tools that community helpers use and without telling the students what to do and how to use them, they automatically played dress up and role play.
今週は私たちの周りに存在するCommunity Helpersについて、更なる探求の冒険をしました!まず、戸外へ出てISN周辺に建物を探しに出かけました。歩いていると、レストラン、図書館、コンビニ、駅、郵便局、など様々な建物があることに気が付きました。その後、自分の足で歩いて見つけた建物にはどんなものがあったのかをクラスで話し合いました。見つけた建物の名前を確認したり、名前を覚えたりと、とても有意義なディスカッションが出来ました。翌日には、画用紙を使って、自分たちが見つけた建物を制作しました。お家の形に画用紙を折り、実際の写真を見ながら色塗りをし、建物の名前を書き、全て終わるとクラスに貼った地図に貼りディスプレイまでしました!一人ひとつ、建物を選び作るこのクラフトに全員が集中していました。また、クラスのPlayエリアには新しいUOIに関わるコミュニティヘルパーが使う道具がコスチュームを置きました。子ども達は言うまでもなく、自ら遊びを広げていました。コミュニティヘルパーの衣装を着て、自然にロールプレイが始まりまりました!

We had Phonics lesson and we learned the -ug word family, mug, bug, hug, rug, and jug. After the class discussion and reading all the CVC words, we carried out a spelling activity. Everyone attentively listened to the teacher as she said the word in a quiet voice and they wrote it down on the practice writing board. Kudos, Shooting Star!

Physical play is important to us. We went to the gym to engage in different physical activities. We had exercise, freeze tag, race, walking on the line from one end to the other, and the jump rope activity.

Ms. Ayako of Aurora class came to our class one afternoon circle time and she read us a book entitled, Polar Bear’s Underwear. Little Polar Bear can’t find his underwear and he goes looking for them. A great book for guessing! Plus, students loved talking about underwear, so yeah, we got some laughs from this book. Thank you, Ms. Ayako.
オーロラクラス担任のMs Ayakoが帰りの会に来てくれました。Polar Bear’s Underwearという、とてもユニークな本を読んでくれました。小さな白熊がパンツを見つけることが出来ないお話です。どこにあったのでしょうか?子ども達にぜひ聞いてみてください!

Finally, we walked to the park and had lots of fun playing together.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday for the class swimming open day!