Hello everyone,
We had a short days spent together this week. Our little ones talked about their plans with their families on holidays. “I’ll go swimming with my mom, I’ll visit my grandma”. They are excited to spend time with their love ones.
今週は3日間という短い時間を過ごしました。子供達は 「お母さんと泳ぎにいくんだ」「おばあちゃんの家にいくの」 などと週末に家族と過ごす予定を話したりしました。みんな大好きな人と過ごすことにワクワクしている様子でした。
This week, we made our craft for the coming Sports Festival. We chose to make a gold medal made of paper plate. We just started painting them with gold. Our little ones enjoyed holding the brush and painted them by themselves. For the meantime, just leave to make them dry and decorate them later.

We are worth for the crown.
Every student loves to be the prince or princess wearing the crown. We have prepared crowns to motivate our little ones to do their best doing their task by themselves. Before the class ends, we call students and who deserves to be the prince and princess of the day. They feel special wearing crowns in front of their friends and motivated to do their best to get the crown again.

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful holiday 😊
素敵な休日をお過ごしください。 😊