Hello wonderful parents and friends,
As the year drew close, we were busy and excited about the school’s big event, “The ISN Christmas Show.” Starting from the rehearsal, our little ones were quite nervous but they stood firm in their standing positions and enjoyed performing on stage.
On the highlight day, we welcomed the students with their families and many students couldn’t stop crying when parting with their parents. We were filled with mixed emotions, anxiety, nervousness, sadness, and excitement. When our time to perform, our students showed their confidence and did their best to impress the audience. We were delighted by the performance of our wonderfully talented students and moved by how much they have grown.
Rehearsal day
年の瀬も押し迫り、学校の一大イベントである “ISNクリスマスショー “に向けて、私たちは忙しくもわくわくしていました。 リハーサルから子どもたちは緊張していましたが、しっかりとした立ち位置でステージを楽しみました。
控室の前では、お家の方と別れる際に泣いてしまう子もいました。でもドキドキワクワクした表情の子どもたちはステージに立つと自信を見せ、大好きなおうちの方々、目の前のたくさんのお客さんを感動させるためにベストを尽くしました。 私たちは、素晴らしい才能を持った生徒たちのパフォーマンスに喜び、彼らの成長に感動しました。みんな、本当によく頑張ったね!!!

As we step into this festive season, we want to extend our heartfelt thank you to all our families for their unwavering support.
The temperature drops down every day. Stay warm and have a restful weekend.
日に日に気温が寒くなっていますね。 暖かくして、素敵な週末をお過ごしください!