Hello everyone.
Cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves, the four seasons of Japan are beautiful and profound. However, the temperature difference has been so extreme recently that it’s hard to feel the change of seasons. But our children at Rainbow are still finding “little bits of autumn” while playing outside. We went to a large park by bus and enjoyed picking up acorns and fallen leaves under the beautiful autumn leaves. They picked up lots and lots of them.

今月のトピックは「Body Parts(身体の部位)」です。目、鼻、口、腕など普段の生活の中で身につき、みんなが既に知っている部位(単語)も多いのですが、このトピックにあえて注目することで、子ども達は新しい知識を得ることを楽しみ、貪欲に学ぼうとしています。そんなレインボーさん達の姿をとても頼もしく、そして誇らしく思っています。
This month’s topic is “Body Parts.” Many of the body parts (words) are already familiar to everyone from everyday life, such as eyes, nose, mouth, and arms, but by focusing on this topic, our children are enjoying gaining new knowledge and are eager to learn. I feel very confident and proud of the Rainbow children.
公園で拾ったドングリを使って自分の人形(It is me)のクラフトを楽しみました。ボディー部分と帽子部分に色を塗り、顔に見立てたどんぐりには目や口を貼りました。どれも個性的で躍動感に溢れた作品に仕上がりました。そしてみんなで人形を見ながら今月のトピックである身体の部位(肩、目、口、おなか、背中、胸など)身体の部位を確認しました。また、みんなでたくさんのドングリを拾ったので先生はドングリガチャマシーンを作りました。ハンドルをクルクル回すとドングリが落ちてきます。一度に2つ、3つと落ちて来ることもあり、みんな大興奮でした。子ども達が見つけた「小さな秋」が彼らに大きな楽しみをもたらしてくれました。短くとも美しい「秋」を満喫しています。
We enjoyed crafting our own dolls (It is me) using acorns we picked up in the park. We painted the body and hat, and pasted eyes and mouths on the acorns that looked like faces. Each doll was unique and full of dynamism. We looked at the dolls and checked the body parts (Sholder, Eyes, Mouth, Tammy, Back, Chest, etc.), which was this month’s topic. We also picked up a lot of acorns, so I made an acorn gacha gacha machine. When they turn the handle, acorns fall. Sometimes two or three fall at a time, and everyone was very excited. The “little autumn” that the children found brought them a lot of fun. They are enjoying the short but beautiful “autumn”.

In phonics, they learned the “G” sound and words that start with G (grape, gown, galaxy, gorilla, etc.). They raised their hands enthusiastically and presented their words confidently in front of the class. Well done!

Have a nice weekend!