


What is a goal? MW 7/8-7/12

“Goal is what you want to do!” Someone answered when the teacher asked the question “What is a goal?” Using this idea, we identified which statements express what you want to do and which are not by playing “This or That” game. Most of them were able to identify the statements correctly and everybody agreed that the meaning of goal is something that you want to do, something that will make you or others happy after doing it. 

To know the importance of having a goal, we did an activity without and with a goal. First, they tried to make something with a paper with their group without further explanation given by the teacher. Someone asked “What shall we make?” Someone took the origami book and tried to make something. The second time, the teacher told them to make something “long” with a paper and two groups were able to do it. While the other two groups had a conflict, we used this opportunity to talk about practicing teamwork and resolving conflicts. After the discussion, we tried again for the third time and they were able to do their job successfully remembering to be caring, communicators, and open-minded to each other. According to them, doing activity without a goal is difficult because they don’t know what to do with the paper and doing activity with a goal is better because they can understand what to do and they can think how to do the activity.

In Phonics, we learned about the /ck/ digraph. After presenting pictures, they noticed that all the words had the /k/ sound at the end of the word and they discovered that the digraph they would learn is /ck/. We practiced reading /ck/ digraph words and played digraph /ck/ musical chairs. The teacher sticks some words on the chair and once the music stops, the students who are sitting on that chair have to read the word. It was an engaging activity because they are not only learning but also having fun. 

Sports Festival preparation has started. This year’s theme is “Jungle” and since Milky Way students love the song “Roar” by Katy Perry,  they chose it to be their music for their performance. Please see the link below and let’s sing with our kids at home. Milky Way class will use gauze, a type of light cloth that you can see through, usually made of cotton or silk, for their dance performance. On Wednesday, they started to practice the dance steps little by little and we were surprised that most of them were able to pick up the dance steps quickly.  

Last week in UOI2: Plants lesson, students drew the first stage of the life cycle of an okra which started from planting seeds. On Friday, they drew the second stage which is a sprout. They also drew around the sprout what it needs to grow such as sunlight, water, soil, and air. Their drawing skills are getting better, too!

Here are some of the new songs we are singing for this month. By singing these songs, they will learn new English vocabulary. Let’s visit the links pasted below and have fun listening to your children’s lovely voices! 

YESTERDAY’S DREAM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrO8bohPyCw&list=PLD8Q1nVNk3xfjeB2DL0Fr1mVNjQsmtGgy

COUNT TOGETHER BY 10’s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CEOlAOGas&list=PLD8Q1nVNk3xfjeB2DL0Fr1mVNjQsmtGgy&index=2 

HAVE FUN THIS SUMMER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE-BI2WRnBU&list=PLD8Q1nVNk3xfjeB2DL0Fr1mVNjQsmtGgy&index=3

PONYO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6tFPBI4xaU&list=PLD8Q1nVNk3xfjeB2DL0Fr1mVNjQsmtGgy&index=14 

SEE YOU LATER ALLIGATOR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3jDgBKD9I0&list=PLD8Q1nVNk3xfjeB2DL0Fr1mVNjQsmtGgy&index=16 

TOP / 南松本プレスクール / What is a goal? MW 7/8-7/12