
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We're Cool! (October 18th-22nd)

We can feel the cold breeze now! The crisp autumn days have started and so our excitement for the events coming up like Halloween party and Christmas show.

そよ風を感じてきましたね💨 さわやかな秋の日が始まり、ハロウィーンパーティーやクリスマスショーなどのこれからのイベントにワクワクしています😍

On the other hand, it was fun that we could still meet our friends online via Zoom even though they needed to stay home. We were able to see each other and ask questions in our Morning Circle time.



For our craft activity this week, we made our own version of pumpkins/ Jack-O- Lanterns. We made scary, cute, funny, T-Rex pumpkin, and families of pumpkins! Check them out below!

クラフトの時間は、自己流のジャコランタンを作りました😁 怖いジャコランタン、かわいいジャコランタン、トリケラトプスのかぼちゃそして、かぼちゃ家族など、ご覧ください👇


Our UOI time was a bit packed this week. We watched Hansel and Gretel, read The Tortoise and the Jackrabbit, played a game, then had Formative and Prior Knowledge Assessments.


After reading and watching stories, we identified the characters and their traits using the Learner Profiles. We understand the profiles now better than before.


For our formative assessment, we recalled the story The Tortoise and the Jackrabbit, drew the characters and setting, and encircled its type. Then to start the Line of Inquiry 2, we had a prior knowledge assessment where we were asked to arrange the order of events of a story just by looking at the pictures. After we put the pictures in order, we tried to describe or tell the story to the class. It was exciting when we checked our own work. In the end, we learned that there are three parts of a story- the beginning, the middle, and the ending. We also learned that without these parts, there wouldn’t be any story.

形成的評価では、ウサギとカメの物語を使い、登場人物、 物語の設定を描き、物語の種類をまるで囲みました。そして、LOI2に入りました。事前知識評価は、物語のいくつかのイベントが記してある紙を用意し、紙に描かれている絵を見ながらストーリーを形成していきました。その後、その紙をクラスのみんなに見せて、オリジナルなストーリーを発表しました📚最後に物語には the beginning, the middle, and the endingの3つの構成から出来ていると事を学びました。3つの構成がないとストーリーにならないことも学びました🧐

See you next week! Have a good weekend!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We're Cool! (October 18th-22nd)