
Nagano Preschool


Shooting Star, Milky Way Nagano- We Can Be Authors of Our Own Stories! (Nov. 1st-5th)

Welcome November! It’s only one and a half months before our Christmas show. We are performing Hansel and Gretel play and playing some music. We have started script reading and singing the songs for our play. We hope we can memorize our lines little by little sometime soon. ;D

11月ですね🍂私たちのクリスマスショーまで一ヶ月半となりました 🎄 今年の劇は「ヘンゼルとグレーテル」を演じ、音楽の演奏もします🎶 台本読みや、劇の歌の練習を始めました❣ みなさん早くセリフを覚えられたら良いですね😉

UOI: Line of Inquiry 3– Different ways of telling stories

On Monday, we wrote our own story by answering the 5W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why). The stories we wrote were about unicorn, Pikachu, Pokemon, Minecraft characters, the monster eats Googoo, Mr. Tree, and a policeman.

月曜日に5W’s (誰が, 何が, どこで, いつ, なんで)の内容が書いた小さい本を1人づつ作りました📖✏ 本の内容は、ユニコーン、ピカチュウ、ポケモン、マインクラフト、モンスター、グーグー、Mr.ツリー、警察官と言ったとてもユニークな物ばかりでした😁

We had a formative assessment on Tuesday where the class was grouped into three. We arranged the events of Little Red Riding Hood in order.


We also started the Line of Inquiry 3, the different ways of telling stories, namely: storybooks, comics, Kamishibai, puppet shows, and play.


We ended the week by talking about Kamishibai and how it is used to tell a story. Ms. Yukari read the story “Christmas’ Letter“. We also talked with our groupmates what story we are going to write and draw for Kamishibai making next week.



This week we polished our cartwheel and double somersault. We’re glad that we have improved our cartwheel skills!


New Month, New Songs

今月のエクササイズソングと歌です🎵 👇👇 お家の方と一緒に歌ったり踊ったりしてみてください😉

Exercise song: Hot Potato

Monthly song: It’s A Small World

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Shooting Star, Milky Way Nagano- We Can Be Authors of Our Own Stories! (Nov. 1st-5th)