
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – All aboard the emotion bus! (8-12 November)

Hello everyone!

It has been another busy, but exciting week here in Aurora class. We diligently continue to practice for our Christmas show, enjoyed the fall weather outside, learned about non-verbal communication in our UOI lesson, and had fun music, gym and swimming lessons!

UOI lessons 🌏

Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Ways to communicate with others

🌟Review of verbal communication

Last week, we talked about how we can communicate our feelings using our words. And more importantly, we looked at kind and unkind words. We reviewed our previous lesson before continuing with a worksheet. The teacher would read the words to the students, then they had to answer if they thought it was using kind or unkind words. I was happy to see many good answers from our strong students.

🌟Non-verbal communication

Words are a good way to express our feelings, but there is a much easier way to express our feelings! Using our body-language to express ourselves comes naturally, and can tell us a lot about how others feel.

We started the lesson by having the teacher show different emotions without using any words. The students had to guess the feelings, and describe how they came up with their answer. One student answered that the teacher was happy. When we asked why they thought the teacher was happy, they said because the teacher was smiling.

To finish the lesson, we did a fun bus game. But this was no ordinary bus! To get on this bus, all the students got a very special bus ticket. On their ticket was a picture of an emotion. When giving their bus ticket to the driver, they had to show the emotion on the ticket when they sat down. Whenever a new passenger entered the bus, the students already sitting down had to copy and show the same feelings as the new passenger.

This was a great way to not only show that they understand how to express their own feelings, but also good for identifying and recognize how others feel based on their body language.

🌟The difference

For the last lesson this week, we reviewed the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication. Each student got a card of either someone using their body language or words to express themselves. They came up to the front of the class and to answer what feeling the card was showing. If it was words, they had to answer if it was a kind or unkind word. After answering a few questions from the teacher, they stuck it to the poster on the wall. We had two posters on the wall. One for poster was for using our words, and the other was for using body language to express our feelings.

Gym lesson 🤸

We had another fun gym lesson this week. Our students are getting so good at stretching during the warm up! I only wish I had their great flexibility! For the activities, we used the mat to perform a variety of different exercises.

First up was sit ups! We worked in pairs, as one student did sit ups while the other was holding their feet down. For the next exercise the kids had to lay down on their stomach, arch their back, and then grab their feet. Sounds difficult, but everyone did a great job! We also practiced our forward roll, but ended the lesson with a new exercise.

At teacher was standing at the opposite side of where the students stood in in line. Holding a yellow ball, they had to run across the mat, around the teacher, and back across the mat. Then, they had to give the ball to the next student in line and say “おねがいします”, to which they replied “ありがとう”.

Outside play 🌞

We enjoyed the nice sunny fall weather outside this week too! Mornings and evenings are getting quite chilly now, but the sun makes our daytime playtime nice and warm. Some of the kids have been talking about the go-kart racing game “Mario Kart” this week, so we put on some super mario music and raced around the school yard. Somehow, their teacher always lost all the races!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – All aboard the emotion bus! (8-12 November)