
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – 'Tis the season to be jolly (29 November – 3 December)

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Aurora’s blog!

We have been very busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas show this week too. The kids are doing their best to remember everything they have to do!

UOI (And Christmas show practice)

Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Ways to express different feelings through performance

We started our third and final LOI this week, “Ways to express different feelings through performance”. This means that we will combine this lesson with our Christmas show play.

We started the first lesson by looking at the video from our own practice. Now that everyone is able to remember their lines, we want to talk about how we can express the characters feeling through our performance.

We will perform the story “The great big enormous turnip” for our play this year. We have man different characters who has to react to seeing a big turnip for the first time. So first, we asked the kids how they think the characters feel when they see the turnip. We got three very good answers! “Happy”, “Excited” and “Surprised” were the three feelings our students concluded they must be feeling. Great! Now we know how they are feeling, but how can we show these feelings on stage?

The teacher gave some examples by showing different emotions while saying the lines. The students were able to identify what feelings were being presented, and they agreed that we should try to show our happy finding the turnip! Aurora, Let’s do our best showing the characters feeling during the play!

Practice at Mamejima gym

We have been going to Mamejima gym to practice for our Christmas show. When arriving at the gym, we do some exercise before starting the practice. As we all know, Aurora class is very active and love to move their bodies! That’s why we dance and run around the gym to use some of that pent up energy!

We also got to watch the upper classes practice too! They have also been working incredibly hard everyday for their show, and hopefully seeing their performance inspired our students to keep working hard in their practice too! Let’s do our best everyone!

Gym lesson

We had an exciting gym lesson this week too! After some stretching and warming up, we used our trusty gym mat for our exercise. We did a spider walk across the mat, practiced our forward roll and tried to roll straight across the mat. Please enjoy this short video of our fun lesson.

Crafts (Tree for our play)

A couple of weeks ago we painted our big tree that we are going to use for the Christmas show. This week, we finished our tree by sticking acorns to it! The students sat down and waited for the teacher to call their name. After getting called, they got an acorn with glue attached to it. They had to hold it carefully, and gently press it against the tree. Everyone did a great job, and there was no mess! And at the end we were left with a wonderful tree! The acorns were given to us by one of the students.
オーロラの子どもたちのファインモータースキル(Fine Motor Skill)は、以前より格段に上達していて、小さなものを掴んだり、指で掴みながらどんぐりの向きを変え、木の大道具にどんぐりをうまく押し付けくっつける事ができました。順番を守り、譲り合い、素敵な成長したみんなの姿が見れて嬉しかったです🤩このどんぐりをシェアしてくれてた、○○くんありがとう🤩

Outside play

As always, we had a lot of fun playing outside too! Since it had been raining earlier in the morning, it was very easy to make shapes in the sand. We made many things together in the sandpit. We end our playtime outside by running a few laps around the schoolyard together.

Swimming lesson

Last week we had a very fun swimming lesson! Our first exercise was doing an alligator crawl across the platform in the water. We also took away the platforms so the kids could walk inside the pool for the next exercise. The teacher inside the pool had a basket with different shaped pool toys. The students had to enter the pool from one side of the pool, take a toy, walk across the pool, climb the platform, and put the toy in a hoop at the edge of the pool on the other side.

Thank you for reading, and see you again next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – 'Tis the season to be jolly (29 November – 3 December)