
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- Happy Holidays! (Dec. 20th-24th, 2021)

Merry Christmas everyone! This is the day that we’ve been waiting for! Christmas makes our heart jump with joy. We wish to receive hugs, kisses, and presents from our Mommies and Daddies.

メリークリスマス🎄 待ちに待った日がやってきました🎉クリスマスは私たちの心を踊らせてくれますね💖 お父さん、お母さんから沢山の愛を受け取って下さいね🥰😍

So to celebrate, we had a Christmas party!. We played charades, Christmas Bingo, musical chair, and newspaper dance! It was so much fun!


Merry Christmas!

The week started very cold with snow everywhere! So, with our snow gear and boots on, we enjoyed our play time by making lots of things with snow, ran around the playground, rolled on the ground, and played with Aurora friends. It was such a great time to start the week! The long wait is over when we finally got to play with our friends in the snow.

今週の最初は、外は寒く雪もいっぱいありました⛄ スノーウェア、ブーツを履いて外遊びを楽しみました。Auroraのお友達と雪だるまを作ったり、走ったり、ふわふわの雪の上を寝そべってみたり、楽しい1週間がスタートしました❣

In our UOI lesson, this week was the students’ reflection week. Each student was asked some questions about Unit 3- How We Express Ourselves like the things they’ve learned about this unit, the learner profile attribute they developed, the favorite activity they did in this unit, the reason why, and the things they want to learn more.

UOIのレッスン、今週はリフレクションウィークでした。1人1人にUnit3”私たちはどのように自分を表現するのか”で何を学んだか、 IBの学習者像のどの部分を成長させる事ができたか、どのアクティビティーが楽しかったか、そしてなぜかをインタビューをしました📜


Shooting Star group practiced making 10 by addition while Milky Way grouped had their pre assessment about subtraction on Wednesday to assess what they know about subtraction. Then on Thursday, we answered a subtraction word problem by drawing and writing the equation/ number sentence.

算数の時間です。Shooting Starのお友達は10のゲームをしました。Milky Wayのお友達は引き算の小テストをしました。そして、木曜日に問題文の答え合わせを描いたり、式を書いたりながら行いました✎

Craft is Fun!

We always enjoy our craft activities. Since it is the last week of Christmas, we had three craft activities! Can you imagine that?! First, we painted the leftover pinecones green to make miniature Christmas trees, then we decorated it the following day. Second, we painted a round cardboard with gold, silver, green, or blue to make a Christmas wreath. The third one was a a printed house that we colored and glued together to make a tiny candy house! What a great week for craft!

いつも楽しみにしているクラフトの時間です。今週末がクリスマスなので、クリスマス工作を3つもしました✂ まず、松ぼっくりを緑に塗って翌日、デコレーションをしてミニクリスマスツリーをしました🎄 2つ目の工作は、ドーナツ型に切り取った段ボールを好きな色、金、銀、緑、青を塗り、デコレーションをしてリースを作りました。3つ目は、クリスマスショーでも登場したキャンディーハウスのぬり絵をして、形に切り取って組み立てて小さいキャンディーハウスを作りました。

Physical Education

We did the same routines that we’ve been practicing plus a new one which was leaping two times like a frog. Please watch us in the video below.

ジムクラスは、いつものルーティンと新しくマットの上で大きく2回ジャンプしました🐸 ビデオをご覧ください🎥


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- Happy Holidays! (Dec. 20th-24th, 2021)