
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Wintertime fun (24-28 January)

Hello everyone!

We have had another fun week here in Aurora! We played outside, been reading and writing together, started our new LOI and had a fun birthday party!

Craft (finger paint)

To celebrate the winter season, we made some nice snowmen together! We sat down around a big blue sheet with a snowman in front of us. Then, the teacher explained that we were going to use our fingers to paint today. The design of the snowman was entirely up to each student. Some chose to draw a face on their snowman, while others took a more artistic approach. The results were fantastic!

Playing outside

As always, we have been having fun playing outside this week too. Only half of our schoolyard gets sunlight during the day, while the other side stays in the shade all day. That means that half of the yard still is covered in snow. Or rather, ice! We talked about what could happen if we walk or run-on ice before going outside. I’m so happy that I got many good answers. The kids realized that they could slip and hurt themselves on the ice, so we all agreed to play on the green side of yard.

They used their imagination to pretend that the ice were diamonds. The teacher had also prepared some colored water for the kids, so they could pretend to make ice cream!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Roles and responsibilities to keep our classroom organized

Roles at the school

This week we started our second LOI, “Roles and responsibilities to keep our classroom organized”.
We started the lesson by introducing the LOI, and looking at what kind of roles we have at school.
Specifically, the difference between the teacher role and student role. The students had a chance to come with their own thoughts on the responsibilities of the different roles.

We also talked more about the word responsibility again. It’s a big word, so it can be difficult to understand. We explained the word to the kids as doing something you are supposed to do. The teacher gave a few examples as we discussed the word. It’s clear that the students in Aurora wants to be responsible students!

Classroom helpers

In our second lesson, we talked about our helper’s system. Each helper role has different responsibilities, and we want to be clear as to what they are. We also wanted to talk about why we have helpers in the class, and why it’s important for us to learn about having responsibilities.

Throughout the year we have had lunch helpers and snack helpers. The helper’s duty is to ask the kids before they eat if they have all the things they need and lead them as they say “itadakimasu thank you for the food.”

In January, we added three more roles. Line leader, paper passer and supply helper. Paper and supply helpers help the teacher pass out paper and supplies to the other students. The line leader has to stand in front of the student when they line up. Line leader will then ask the other students if they are ready, and then will walk in front leading the line to the destination.

In this lesson, we added another helper role. Locker helper. This helper’s role is to check that the lockers are organized. They will check it before the morning circle, before nap time and before going home.

Family roles

In our last lesson this week, we talking about the role we have at home. The teacher talked about the roles in their own homes, and then the kids got a chance to talk about the role and responsibilities they have at home. In our lesson next week, they have to do a presentation in front of the class showing pictures and talking about their responsibilities at home.

Birthday party

We celebrated the birthday of two of our boys in Aurora class. Happy birthday boys! They had to answer a few questions in front of the class before receiving their birthday cards. Even though it can be very scary to stand in front of a group of people if you are shy, they all did their best! Good job!

Reading time!

We continued with our CVC words this week too. This week, we learned a few words ending with -ap.
We read the words together, and did a worksheet where they had to trace the word and connect it to the right picture. I made a game this week too with some help from Mr. puppet! The kids all love when Mr. puppet helps with the lessons, so I hope they will enjoy trying to read the CVC words in the game below.


For the book reading this week, we read a book focusing on the word “the”. As in “The spoon. The fork. Etc”. It is nice to see the kids engaging and trying their best to read, and they look so proud when they can do it by themselves. Thank you, parents, for supporting the kids from home too! It has a huge impact on their development!
今週のリーディング練習では、「the」に焦点を当てた本を読みました。「The spoon./The fork. など、子どもたちが熱心に読むことにチャレンジしている姿を見るのは嬉しいです。そして、自分自身の力で読むことが出来た時、自信を感じているように見えます。おうちのみなさまのサポート、大変感謝いたします。そしてそれが、子どもたちの成長に大きな影響を与えていると思います。

Mamejima gym

We had the chance to go on a short trip to Mamejima gym earlier this week. The kids got so excited when we told them that we were able to go to the gym that day!

We began by first dancing together in the big empty gym. Then we ran as fast as we could around the gym until our first drink break. We then lined up in two teams for a race! Everyone loves to show off their fast speed, and they love to cheer each other on! Good teamwork everyone!

For the last activity, we did a game of “Catch the tail”. The kids are so fast, and were able to snatch all the teachers tails in no time!

Thank for reading, and see you again next week!

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