
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Being responsible (31 January – 4 February)

Hello everyone!

We have had another fun week here in Aurora class. We continued with our second LOI, had fun playing with the snow, started our valentine’s cards and had a exciting gym lesson at school.

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: How we organize ourselves
Central idea: People have roles and responsibilities to organize the school community.
Line of inquiry: Roles and responsibilities to keep our classroom organized

Presentation: Responsibility at home

We have been talking about our responsibilities at school and at home in our previous lessons. So, for this lesson we wanted the students to present what their responsibilities at home are. Thank you to all the parents who sent in such nice pictures of your kids helping at home!

The students came up one by one and talked about their responsibilities at home while showing the pictures to the class. We got to see so many nice examples of our students being responsible!

Responsibilities of keeping our classroom clean

We had a couple of lessons this week where we talked about our responsibilities of keeping our classroom clean. One lesson focused on what we do after we play, and the other lesson focused on after lunch.

We started both lessons by asking they thought their responsibilities were after we finish play or lunch. They understood that they responsibility was to clean up after themselves. But how should we clean up? The teacher gave examples of good ways to clean up and some bad ways.

After our lunch, I saw so many students nicely follow what they had learned earlier in the day!

Outside play

We had a lot of playing outside in the snow this week! The teacher gave the students some colored water, so they could mix it with the snow and ice outside. They were able to use their imagination when playing with the color and snow. We also made a colorful snowman together!

January’s monthly song

Out monthly song for the month of January was “Do-Re-Mi”!! The kids really enjoyed singing it every day. Please enjoy this special rendition of “Do-Re-Mi”!


Valentine is coming up soon, so we want to show our love with a special card! The kids are always excited to make something for their families. Especially something that they can give to express their love.

This week, we made the heart that we will use for our cards. The kids ripped colored paper, and pasted it to a heart outline on a piece of paper. It’s always fun to see how different all the hearts turn out. Some kids like to paste strips of paper, while others prefer to crunch them into smaller balls before pasting them. But the result is their own wonderful design!

Gym lesson

Because of the high COVID alert lever in Nagano, we are not able to go to our regularly scheduled gym lessons. However, we made our very own lesson here at the campus! First, we started the lesson by doing the same type of stretching we are used to before our normal lessons. Then we had a dance party, dancing to different exercise song to really get the blood pumping!

Then we moved on to our small circuit. It featured a pull-up bar, a soft vaulting box and a mat.
On the pull-up bare they had to hang on for a certain amount of time. Then, they climbed the vaulting box and jumped on to the mat. We changed the activity on the mat to rolling across and then to a wheelbarrow walk across.

The energy was high with lots of tired and happy kids when we were done!

Thank you so much for reading and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora – Being responsible (31 January – 4 February)