
Nagano Preschool


The New Stars of G1 and Milky Way! April 4th-5th

Welcome to all the newcomers and returnees! This week we celebrated our new classes at Nagano ISN. Our first ever Milky Way and G1 Classes!

ご進級そしてご入学、おめでとうございます😉新Milky WayとG1クラスのみなさんのクラスです✨

Together we had fun hanging out with old friends and making New ones too! Everyone got to have lots of fun with our new teachers, and got acquainted with the materials and classroom environment. We learned the rules, new schedules and lessons that we will learn in our new classes!

今週は、今までのお友達と遊んだり、新しいお友達を作ったりしました❣新しい先生と、新しいクラスの環境を大いに楽しみました🥰 新しいクラスルール、スケジュールそして、これから行うレッスンについて学びました🤩

In our classes we are learning to become more independent. We are learning to choose what to do by ourselves during the free choice/play time. This is a great opportunity for us to learn new social skills, in conjunction with being a caring communicators and thinkers. 


We designed our classroom layout together and even organized and decorated our own locker spaces. The classroom truly feels like our second home!


We have enjoyed making all sorts of fun Cherry Blossom pictures together and had some great trips to the local park, where we learned all about nature in spring.


It has been a fantastic first week together! We are very excited to welcome some new special members next week… So watch this space!

素晴らしい最初の週でした!来週もワクワクする事が多い1週間になりそうです。新しくご紹介するメンバーもいますよ😉 楽しみにしていてください✨✨
TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / The New Stars of G1 and Milky Way! April 4th-5th