
Nagano Preschool


New Skills Start to Blossom! April 11th – 15th

This week we started our new UOI Unit 1. We learned all about Conflict, and how to overcome it.


We learned how to be Open-minded and used our great thinking skills to build “Mind Maps” to help us understand the importance of Teamwork.

「心を開く人」 になる方法を学び 「マインドマップ」を作成するために、優れた思考スキルを使いました✨

A “Mind Map”.

We have been so lucky with the truly wonderful spring weather. We were able to enjoy the Japanese tradition of Hanami. We also discovered how Cherry Blossoms are famous in Japanese Culture around the world.


In our G1 Class we started our first Japanese classes with our fantastic new Japanese Teacher Ms Yayoi! Although It was a little difficult at first we remembered we are Risk-Takers and love to challenge new things. So when we tried our best we had a lot of fun together!

G1クラスでは、初めてのMs. Yayoiの国語と算数のクラスがありました。最初は難しく感じる場面もありましたが、私たちは「挑戦する人」と言う事を忘れませんでした😉😁

We learned so many skills this week and became more knowledgeable along the way. We promised to practice our new skills in the upcoming weeks, so we can be happy learning together, while avoiding conflicts along the way.

今週も沢山のスキルを身に付け、どんどん「 知識のある人 」になっていきます🤩✌ 今回学んだ新しいスキルをどんどん使用することを誓い、なるべく対立を避けて、みんなで楽しく一緒に学ぶことができたらと思います😎✨

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