
Nagano Preschool


Nagano G1 & Milky Way – Try your best everyday! 13th – 17th June

This week we focused on getting ready for our sports festival! We don’t want to give away the surprise… but here are some photo hints!

今週はスポーツフェスティバルの準備をしました❣ サプライズなのでここではあまり語れませんが、写真をご覧ください📸

This week we really seem to be getting more confident using English. Everyone seems more talkative and expressive! This is really creating a fantastic atmosphere in the school!


This week we also focused on a very important IB principle; being a “risk taker”. We played a game that requires us to take risks. We learnt it can be scary and difficult to take a risk, but, It can have a pay off of a large reward. So if we take a risk and we are successful the feeling is really great! However, if we take a risk and fail, it can feel painful and make us feel sad.

Principle、”Risk-taker” のゲームもしました❣ リスクを負うことは怖くて難しい事ですが、成功したら大きなリワードを受けることができます✨リスクを負いながらも成功した時は最高に気持ちいです😍😍 その反面、失敗したら心が痛み悲しくなりますね😥

We learned how to manage ourselves if we face defeat and how we can become stronger and more confident in taking risks. It was a difficult lesson, but we grew so much after getting better at taking risks.

敗北に直面した時のセルフマネージメント、リスクを冒す毎に自信を持ち、より強くなる方法を学びました😎 とても難しいレッスンでしたが、上手くリスクを負う事ができ、それによって成長していく姿を見ることが出来ました😉

This week we also started our big project! We will keep updating with more information later… but we had some great ideas for our summative assessment of UOI Unit 1! We have lots of great ideas, so please feel free to ask us at home!

今週は新しいプロジェクトを始めました😁詳細はまたお伝えいたしますが、Unit1の 総括的評価をする為にいいアイディアがあるのです✨お子さんに聞いてみてください👂

Milky Wayのスイミングレッスンもありました🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️私たちはRisk-Takerなので跳ぶ込みの練習もへっちゃらです😁

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano G1 & Milky Way – Try your best everyday! 13th – 17th June