
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Practice makes Perfect. June 20th – 24th

This week we tried to challenge a lot of new things. Continuing from our Risk-taking exercises, we challenged ourselves to try things we feared, or had never done before.

今週は新しいチャレンジを沢山しました❣ Risk-Takerになる為の体験を引き続きしながら、今回は、 恐怖や今までした事のない体験をしました😎

Our Aurora Teacher gave us a beetle for our class. We learned all about beetles and their habitat. We challenged ourselves to hold the beetle. Some of us were scared of course! However by being risk-takers, we did it!

Auroraクラスの先生がカブトムシをプレゼントしてくれました。カブトムシの事、そして生息地について学びました😉 怖がって近くに行けないお友達もいましたが、Risk-Takerと言う事をリマインドして触る事が出来ました😎😎😎😎

This week we all practiced a lot for our sports festival event. Making sure to keep good teamwork we avoided any unnecessary conflicts using the lessons we learned.

今週はスポーツフェスティバルの練習をみんなでしました✨ UOIで学習した、必要でない対立を起こさぬよう、良いチームワークを意識しながら練習に励みました😘

In our phonics class we worked together to build the alphabet from memory in clay. Working in teams we were able to support and help each other and learn organizing and management skills.


Now that summer arrived this week we have been enjoying many water based team work games. It has been so fun to play with water and discover new challenges.


What a fantastic week we have had!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Practice makes Perfect. June 20th – 24th