
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way and G1 – A Week to Remember! June 25th – July 1st.

So we finally enter our last week of Unit 1. What a fantastic journey it has been. Full of ups and downs. Some precious lessons were learned and some vital skills were gained.


This week we focused on reviewing all of our first Units and got prepared for our sports festival. We are so excited for you to see us in action! We started making our outfits for the sports festival by tie-dying our clothes. It was so much fun. Hopefully, we can show you the results next week, so watch this space!

今週はUnit1のレビューをしつつ、近づくスポーツフェスティバルの準備をしました❣ 今回は、スポーツフェスティバルで着用する服をタイダイ染めにチャレンジしました✨ 来週のスポーツフェスティバル、楽しみにしていてください🤩

As the rainy season ends we are moving full into summer. We enjoyed playing outside with various fun water games.

梅雨も明け、暑い夏が訪れました🌞 色んなウォーターゲームを楽しんでいます🌊

This week we also practiced our presentation skills at school. Some kids tried “Show and Tell”. Seeing the kids grow in confidence and talk about their favorite things to their friends was great.

“Show and Tell” をして、プレゼンテーションのスキルも強化しました。好きな物のお話をする姿は自信に満ちて頼もしく、成長を感じられました。

What an exciting week it has been. So excited for the sports festival next week!

今週もワクワクが沢山あった週になりました😉 来週は待ちに待ったスポーツフェスティバルです。楽しみにしていてください💪😉✨

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky Way and G1 – A Week to Remember! June 25th – July 1st.