
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: World’s Largest Beetle

Hello everyone. Wow! this week we had a special guest for Aurora. The Hercules beetle aka the largest beetle alive in the world! It was a fun introduction of the life circle of this beetle so that our kids know about the growing process of the insect (eggs, 1st larva, 2nd larva, 3rd larva, pupa and adult) and how was it different from humans. We then learned about the right ways to touch and hold the Hercules beetle. All kids were amazed by this humongous creature and we learned that the ways to take care of this beetle.

Speaking about animals, we had the last assessment on the habitats we have learned from UOI 1 this month. Each kid was given a piece of paper with variety of animals, they cut it with scissors, thought about their appropriate habitats and paste on it. This activity helped them to refresh their memory and put their learning into action. The result was great as everyone got most of them correct! Well Done Aurora.
教科の枠を超えたテーマ:地球の共有 -動物-
まず、動物の絵カードをはさみを使い切り分けていきます。そして、ワークシートを使用し、それぞれの生息地が描かれている場所へ切った動物の絵カードを分類して貼り付けました。皆、どの生息地に住んでいる動物かをよく理解して分類できていました🤩Good job!! Aurora🤩

Before this week ended, we went for a short trip to the park near our school. The weather was great and friendly towards our kids as we didn’t have any rain or extreme hot weather this week. The kids were having fun exploring the nature and moving around freely with their friends. See you next week everyone!
週の最後はみんなで思いっきり楽しむ日を作りました。気温が上がる前にいつもより早めに出発をして公園へ遊びに行きました。 時々吹く気持ちのよい風に、さわやかな気分になりながら、しっかりと水分補給と休憩を交え、子どもたちは、自然を探索したり、おともだちと一緒に楽しんだりと元気に遊びまわりました。そして、もう少し遊びたいところでしたが…子どもたちにスクールに戻り水遊びをすることを提案すると🤩全員からの「やりたーい!!」の元気なお返事🤩スクールに着き水着に着替え、また、外へ繰り出します🤩頑張って歩いて帰ってきたオーロラのみんな☺とっても気持ちの良い水遊びができました。楽しかったね🤩オーロラのみんな🎵


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